Faithful Offer

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*7 months ago*

July 15th, 2017

Rising from the shadows, from the darkness of all people, he stood, scarier than ever.

Drew woke up in fear. Sweat and blood dripping down his neck from the aching bite that perceived him entirely. It throbbed rapidly. With each breath he grasped, a piercing amount of pain consumed him.

He felt it in his head, his stomach, everywhere.

More blood poured out of him as he awoke on the other side. It was dark, unusual. He wasn't used to it, not one bit.

The other side was a place that you wouldn't want to fear. A new beginning you may say.

Drew lied on the cold floor, in the middle of the woods. The woods that Hazel's presence used to linger onto. The woods that he laughed at, ran around with his friends by his side. Deep in the breezy, windy night, running from Luna. The girl that was once the villain of this story.

He used to despise her. How could someone ever want to watch the world burn--in this case the other side.

You just wait.

He stared unknowingly at the shadows of the trees, staring directly at the large moon, stoning down on him. It provided him with the light that he didn't think he'd needed.

You just wait..

"Drew Wilson," a voice suddenly says.

Drew's thoughts were interrupted by the dashing, low toned voice that stunned him. He fought everything inside of him to earn enough energy and strength to push himself up. But it seemed like his desires were once granted, as he floated to his feet.

The man standing in front of him was familiar. Someone he had once seen in his dreams he thought. He was shirtless, wearing a pair of black jeans with a belt. He had a green aspect to him, and his face was covered in scars of all different accidents.

The strange, mysterious man tilted his head at Drew, smirking at the sight of his appearance. To Drew, he arrived back at this godfull place too early.

Curse you Hazel. He scratched at himself just thinking about it.

"I was expecting your arrival. It was going to come sooner or later." the man comes out. His voice projected out of his mouth perfectly, like a knife slicing through butter. So graceful, yet could shatter glass.

The man noticed Drew's hesitation, a series of echoing laughs escaping him. "Sorry--where are my manners? Please, I'm Xavier--" he pauses for a second before saying, "Xavier Hart."

Drew's eyes widened. His mind suddenly gets fulfilled with a chain of memories, flooding back into him at once.

This man--Xavier--is Luna's brother. He catches on.

Xavier reaches his hand out to shake, desperately waiting for another touch of a human. Drew bites his lip. Finally, he extended his hand out, shaking it firmly. The shaking feeling that charged through him. The ongoing feeling of him being not possible, fake almost, shook him harder then ever.

Drew gasps, backing away with fright. Xavier continued to stare him down. "You're Luna's brother." he spits. "Y-You are.." his voice trails off.

Xavier nods, gripping his hands back into place, behind his back. "Indeed, I am. Which is partly why I'm here." Drew was feeling uneasy, unsure of what to do. Was this man going to hurt him? Even though he's not even real on the other side. He was simply lucid dreaming.

He once again notices Drew's uneasiness. The pale tone plastered on his face, and the furrowed eyebrows that were introduced to him. "I'm not here to hurt you, if that answers your question. I, in fact, have an offer for you. A job I think personally fits you." he eyes him up and down, then views the shiny moon that was above them.

Drew breaths heavy, sternly alarmed by what Xavier has to purpose to him. He eyed him carefully until Xavier spoke again. "What would you do if I could offer you great power? A new opportunity at life, on the other side I should say." he turns away from the dead man, beginning to walk around the woods scene.

He walked around the landscape carefully, faithfully. The leaves underneath him rustled before him. Xavier slid his finger across the rough textured trees that were stood here in the woods, between the two of them.

Drew had his eyes glued on the mysterious man. Watching his every move, the way he navigated the peaceful, yet distressed night. He had no idea what to say, sure he wanted power, but part of him was always weak to address the obvious. In this case, he wasn't sure if he could trust Xavier. Even if he was related to his mortal enemy.

Though, something stung inside of him. Swallowing all the gulit up that once rested there. He knew that Xavier was going to convince the dead, weak man to accept the challenging offer. It was thrilling to say the least. Something that Drew secretly envied among himself. 

He finally spoke up, "I like the sound of that." a smirk emerging from his face. Xavier smiles back at him. "I know I count on you, but I must inform you that I won't be here to direct you to a certain path. You must simply fend for yourself. I will sadly be unavailable." Xavier shares.

Drew tilts his head nervously. He tipped his chin more so towards the man that was offering him victory.

A new chance at life. His voice echoed.

"Where will you be?" Drew's voice suddenly lowered a few pitches. Xavier soon comes closer to Drew. "I have an important job to take care of." he shares, rubbing his hands together. They cracked together smoothly.

"What kind of job?" Drew could tell he was starting to play around the question, which was something he didn't really appreciate.

"I well--" he pauses for finally spilling out, "I have a sister to kill." he grins.

Drew's eyes widened, staring intensely up at Xavier who was standing before him, crazily. But before he knew it, a smile appeared on his face too. "I like the sound of that." he soon repeats.

Xavier extends his hand out, shaking it one last time. Drew shook its hand, with great power. He pulls away before clearing his throat.

"Now if you'd excuse me, I'm wanted back on Earth."

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