Chapter 15

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AN: I'm updating two books when I'm done with this one. The first one is SamYu His Silence and then The BTS Concert. These might be my last two books so please look forward to them. Life is about to get busier than it used to be.

The day after the trailer release was packed with photo shoots and filming.

This photo shoot was for the whole cast and the major actors and actresses were there. They had to get photos for promoting the drama. Gulf came with Erl instead of Ben because Ben had somewhere to be.

Gulf avoided Mew every chance he got. He only stood next to him when they needed to be next to each other. Other than that he made sure other people would stand next to him and everyone else was tense because of the news. Some had seen Mew and Gulf's explicit scene during shooting and they related to the news. It somehow made sense with all that had happened.

Mew felt comfortable having Gulf next to him because Gulf understood his situation so well, but Gulf was no where in sight and that left him feeling nervous during the shoot. When Gulf stood next to him that one time, he left before Mew could say hi.

Mew felt awkward during the shooting because people wouldn't stop staring at him. It was disturbing. Gulf was the opposite. He was always showing his back to Mew, whereever he was standing in the room. And Mew didn't miss the fact that Gulf's friend was always standing too close. He didn't miss the flirting gaze and the gentle caresses going back and forth between the two.

They moved on to the next schedule, which was the set. Gulf and Mew were supposed to film a quarreling scene then an emotional scene then they had scenes with other people.

It was a mess.

It felt like these two actors had an influence over everyone on set. Whatever feelings they displayed on the set, the crew felt those feeling too. 

It took them one shot to film MewGulf part.

The director was confused whether this was acting or real. According to the script it was at a point where they realized they had differences and it seemed like both of them were not willing to compromise. Nam's career as a policeman meant so much to him. It shaped his values and principles of life but that was not the same for Boon who used any means possible to achieve his goals.

"How can I ignore it when I know it now? How do you expect me to look away? How can I turn a blind eye when I am aware that I might end up putting cuffs on your hands?" A frustrated Nam said and cameras zoomed in on his face.

"I've been doing this all my life," Boon stubbornly insisted, "just act like you don't know."

"And that will erase everything you've done? Why  don't you care about my feelings?" Nam was supposed to be angry but Gulf couldn't help the tears that escaped his eyes. It felt like Mew was reiterating what he had said about their personal relationship through the script.

Mew was taken aback by Gulf crying earlier than he was supposed to but he didn't lose his composure. They argued some more with Nam sobbing in between talking, frustrated both as a character and as himself.

Everyone stood at attention watching the two quarrel, exchanging words with some that were not in the script but the director didn't stop.

At one point writer Nao wanted them to stop and get a break but they smoothly moved on to the emotional scene, Boon was trying to walk away from a crying Nam but the officer wouldn't let him. Nam's desperate crying and him blocking the way was making it impossible for Boon to exit the house.

"Please don't go." Nam shook his head, his cheeks wet and eyes red from crying.

"This is not going to work out." Boon stated flatly. "I'm choosing my job over you just like you chose yours over me." He roughly pushed Nam aside and left without looking back. A devastated Nam sat on the floor heaving with cries. He loved the man. He loved him so much that it hurt that it was easy for him to walk away. He slumped on the ground crying his heart out.

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