Chapter 21

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AN: This story was supposed to be 10 chapters long and I can't believe it keeps on going.
Did you see the 10 minutes story I posted in celebration of the pride month? If you haven't please check it out, it's short and different.
Titled Playboy.


Gulf headed straight to Mew's house even though it was late. Mew came out and saw Gulf at his door and checked the time,

"Nong, what are you doing here? It's late."

This greeting made Gulf even more upset than what he was, "Do you hav a few minutes to talk?"

"Of course please come in." Mew opened the door wide. Gulf walked in the house and for the first time Mew saw the plaster cast on Gulf's wrist and he knew he was responsible for that.

"Nong, your hand." He ran to Gulf who stepped back his other functioning hand stopping Mew  from coming any further

"I'm sorrry I didn't mean to do that to you." Mew apologized.

"You didn't mean to do what exactly? Push me too hard physically or emotionally?" Gulf was not having it.

"Nong," Mew stepped forward again,

"P'stop!" The frustration from the last meeting was still very much present and he was going to take it out on Mew too.

"I'm sorry." Mew apologized again. He didn't know what else to say.

"For what?" Gulf asked with a frown on his face. The roles had reversed now. Gulf was the one who was angry and Mew was apologizing. But what was he apologizing for?

"P' is sorry for not listening to you." The doubt in his voice was just so noticeable.

"I'm suddenly doubting if p' have real feelings for me." Gulf was questioning the whole time they had spent together.


"Firstly, it doesn't make sense how you blame me for not being in control when you never been in control yourself."

"I know." Mew admitted.

Gulf shook his head. "No you don't. If you knew you would'nt have waited three weeks. No you were not waiting right. I came to you."

"I was thinking." Was Mew's excuse.

"About what? About how you should have fought for me instead of abandoning me back then?"

Mew opened his mouth but no words came out.

"I had to cancel my schedule and come to your hiding place to comfort you and you not coming to check up on me during this time when I needed you the most just goes to show how I'm the only one in this."

"That's not like that Nong." Mew shook his head.

"I don't blame you though. It actually makes perfect sense since we started on the wrong foot."

"No I can explain." Mew went to tough Gulf but Gulf exploded.

"You should've explained atleast two weeks ago. The fact that I had to come all the way here when you were peacefully sleeping just shows how we stand in all this. Let's end this."

"Nong, you just can't do that."

"No I can very much do that. I'm not about to give my all for you and get nothing in return. That's not how it works. It might have been about sex and your sensitivity but to me it was much more than that so I can very much walk away because I don't feel appreciated enough."

Sensitive (+18)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz