Final Chapter

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One week later, Gulf was being summoned at the office by their CEO. He knew what it was about so he went as soon as they called. He was not surprised when he saw Ben and Erl seated in his office. He walked in with a glow that surprised the people in the room. He  took a seat, his head held high.

"Ok you all know why we are here. I heard there was sexual harassment that took place a couple of weeks ago. Ben would you like to explain?"

"Uhmm, yes there was a misunderstanding."

Gulf clenched his fists at that. "But Erl apologized already." Ben finished.

"If you're talking about a half sassed apology Ben then I'm disappointed in you. I'm disappointed in how you handled this case."

Gulf had an upper hand in this too. He was currently receiving so much attention from the public so they had to be careful with him.

"I'm going to place you under 6 months suspension without pay Erl. That's the lenient punishment I can give. You should know after the public discussion on this topic how serious of an offense it is. If another complaint comes against you again, you'll be kissing your career goodbye. In fact you should be grateful that Gulf did not take this to the police right away otherwise it would've been a different story.

"Gulf I'm so sorry that you had to experience such discomfort. Would you be open to going back at the hostel?"

"I would like to live in my own apartment. I'm planning to rent my own place and I was hoping I would get permission for that." Gulf

The CEO nodded in understanding. It made sense since his breakthrough had come.

"Fair enough. But with that comes another issue. Since Ben is in charge of the other three he can't be going back and forth. Would you be ok if we get you another manager?"

Gulf smiled. "I would be grateful." Gulf replied humbly.

"Great!" The CEO proclaimed. He turned to Ben and Erl. "You may go. I'll talk to you again soon. I need to discuss something with him alone."

They both left leaving Gulf and the CEO.

"Are you gay?" The CEO wanted to confirm since the case highlighted some gay acts.

Gulf was not warmed up so he stared at the man nervously not knowing how to answer. It was his first time confirming his sexuality. First time coming out to someone.

He nodded with a faint yes,

"Ok. I'm going to be revising your contract and include some dating and scandal clauses that had been left out. I'll accommodate you but please do your best to keep your private life private. Do you have a partner?"

Gulf hesitated but ended up nodding his head.

"May I ask who it is?"


"Wh-who? Mew Suppasit?" His ears couldn't believe what he just heard.

Gulf nodded.

The CEO held his mouth to stop the questions threatening to come out. He did not see that coming at all.

"Ok. I'll text you about the contract and we'll go through that again. In the meantime I'll be looking for a manager. Do you have anything else to say?"

"Thank you for taking my case seriously."

"As I should."

They wrapped up and Gulf left for Mew's house to share the good news. As soon as he got there he saw Mild leaving with a pile of papers and a phone on his ears. He only waved and proceeded to go in the house.

"Hey nong," Mew greeted and he hugged Gulf possessively and pecked his mouth. Gulf usually just pat Mew's back once or twice whenever they were hugging and Mew didn't mind.

Gulf excitedly narrated the events of his day and Mew was happy for him.

"I wish we could live together."

Gulf shook his head, "we can't do that p. It's a miracle that we haven't been exposed with how much I come here. I'll buy my place and try to keep that a secret from the media so that you can also come and we can spend quality time.

"That's ok." Mew sighed heavily.

"What's wrong?" Gulf asked right away picking up the tired face on Mew.

"The lawyers are still trying to get Bee punished but her lawyers are dragging things out with lack of actual evidence nonsense. I submitted my phone as evidence but don't think that's enough. So they'll try to get the phone call audios from the network provider. It's taking longer than it should."

Gulf held his hand and reassured Mew, "it will turn out ok. It will be ok."

Mew felt comforted. Having someone tell you it'll be ok with such conviction made him feel much better. He got up and went to his bedroom. He returned with a small black box and placed it in front of Gulf.

Gulf opened the box with a confused face. He saw a unique key that looked new. "P what is this?"

"My house key." Mew replied,

"Why are you giving me this p'?"

"You're invited anytime and day. I know we can't live together but feel free to spend as many nights as possible."

"But p your house requires a pin."

"Not after tomorrow. I'll be changing my lock and this is one of the keys. Everyone knows my pin and they come in whenever they want so I'm changing it. I'm changing it to have our privacy."

Gulf teared up touched by this. He was about to close the box when Mew said, "there's one more thing under it."

Gulf lifted the first compartment and he saw a card. He picked it up and saw it was a bank card.

"P'Mew?" He asked in question holding out the card to Mew so he could explain.

"I don't know what you need so feel free to use this card whenever you need anything. I know you're still young and have so many interests so feel free to spend as much as you want."

"I didn't know you were rich?" Gulf teased

Mew pulled Gulf to him, "I'm not rich. I just have enough to spoil you love,"

"I won't use it much but I'll definitely use it." Gulf promised and Mew was satisfied with the response. He hugged Gulf with a soft squeeze. He planted kisses on his face. He looked at Gulf who was smiling cutely with a scrunched nose.

"I love you." Mew confessed. In that moment he felt like he could face everything as long as he was with Gulf. As long as they were together.

"I love you more." Gulf kissed Mew's lips. It was like sealing a promise. Their confessions had so many things hidden in them yet they both understood what it meant. "I love you so much p'"

Mew was so glad of the journey he took with Gulf.

He realized pride and self esteem are some factors that hinders development.

He realized it takes two people putting effort to make something work.

He realized why people liked being in relationships.

He realized having a weakness doesn't mean you're weak.

He realized that the world was not a bad place after all.

He realized quite a lot of things but one realization that topped all others was realizing that love is a beautiful thing.

That Love was Gulf.

AN: Thank you so much to everyone who saw the end of this book. I appreciate the comments and the votes you've left throughout. I hope it was an enjoyable story.

I am going to be updating two books now, The BTS Concert And His Silence. I hope you guys give them a try.

Thank you so much for the support. I appreciate you all. Please Stay Gold💝

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