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Despite everything Shouta imagined that could go wrong, the pregnancy went pretty well

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Despite everything Shouta imagined that could go wrong, the pregnancy went pretty well. There were a few complications with the birth, but nothing major. Shouta had been with Y/N the entire time, through it all, and now - a few hours after the birth - he was sitting at her bedside, while she was fast asleep with their daughter in her arms. Shouta smiled at them both.

They had named their daughter Eri, Y/N had picked the name. And Shouta liked it. He couldn't believe that everything had gone well so far and that this was his own child. It seemed too strange to be true. Too good to be true. He felt like something terrible was supposed to happen, but it didn't.

Shouta had no idea how long it was since Y/N had fallen asleep, but he just knew that he couldn't stop looking at her or his daughter. Both of them seemed absolutely perfect, no matter how messy they looked. Y/N looked tired and exhausted and had just been through a good few hours of labour, but Shouta thought that she looked absolutely perfect. Absolutely immaculate.

Eri was asleep so far, packed up in a tiny bundle. She had been crying a lot, but it seemed like she had finally settled down now. Shouta couldn't get over the fact how tiny she was - tiny feet with tiny toes, tiny legs, tiny arms, tiny hands with the smallest fingers and the relatively big head with her big eyes. He couldn't believe that was a fully functioning human child.

But there she was, alive and healthy and breathing, in Y/N's arms. She stirred a little from time to time and made some small noises, but so far she hadn't woken up yet. Y/N was basically dead asleep at this point. He had been talking to her and she had already seemed a little sleepy and groggy, but at some point she had just dozed off in the middle of her sentence.

So Shouta had figured it was probably best to let her sleep. He was so excited about everything that he hadn't even realized that she was probably tired after the long labour and everything. He was still holding her hand when she had fallen asleep and kissed her forehead, before he sat down and just stayed with them, looking at both of them, because they were the best thing that had happened to him in his life. He couldn't stop smiling either and he really just wanted to pick both of them up and hold them close to himself and never let them go.

Y/N sometimes also stirred in her sleep, moving a little and groaning, but going straight back to sleep again. Shouta got up and leaned over the bed, kissing her forehead softly. She was unusually warm, but Shouta wasn't sure whether he was just imagining that or whether she was maybe just too warm from being wrapped up in so many blankets and layers of clothing. Shouta felt her forehead again.

She really was pretty warm. Was she having a fever? Shouta figured it would probably be best if he mentioned it to one of the nurses when they came in to check up on her again. Shouta had no idea if this was normal or not, but he wasn't too worried. And even if he would have been, Eri was distracting him enough. She seemed to have woken up from that and started moving a lot in Y/N's arms. She wasn't really crying yet, but Shouta didn't want to take any risks, so he took her out of Y/N's arm, holding her close and rocking her, as he walked up and down beside the bed.

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