3 - 祝

402 26 3

Shouta was aware that things were kind of awkward since Hizashi had decided to go and talk about his private life to Y/N

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Shouta was aware that things were kind of awkward since Hizashi had decided to go and talk about his private life to Y/N. Shouta should have known he'd pull something like this, considering that it was Hizashi he was talking about. Hizashi who just couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Well, it wasn't like there was any damage done. Shouta hadn't planned on keeping all of that from her, it was just that he was waiting for the right time. And he had planned to tell her about this himself. But knowing himself... maybe it was better this way. Some day he'd tell her himself, but as of now, at least she knew there were a few things that he didn't really like being brought up.

But it was too late now and he was very much aware that Y/N still felt guilty. He just didn't really know how to tell her that everything was fine. But he had an idea on how to make things right again. Somehow. If it all worked out. But it was around the time of the year that Shouta's favourite festival of the year was coming around - Tanabata. The Star Festival. The festival celebrating the meeting of Orihime and Hikoboshi. Shouta wasn't that much about festivals, but he did like this one.

He followed the customs almost religiously every single year. Mariko used to make fun of him for it, but Shouta didn't care. He loved writing down a wish on a piece of paper, hanging it up as a decoration and then burning it at midnight, after spending the evening at the festival in town. It had something calming about it - the whole routine of it and maybe hoping that whatever wish he was writing on his piece of paper might come true, if he was really lucky.

He wasn't sure whether Y/N liked any of the traditional festivals, but he got a feeling that she would. He really hoped that she would come with him to the festival. It had been a few years since he had been there with someone else and he remembered that he always enjoyed it more when he wasn't alone. After all, the whole backstory of Tanabata was about two lovers meeting.

Not that he thought of himself and Y/N as lovers, but... well, maybe he did. He liked Y/N, he really liked her and he would like to be closer to her, he just wasn't sure whether he was ready for anything like that yet. And he knew he'd have to be honest with her first - especially about the fact that he was still very much married to Mariko, even though they weren't talking to each other anymore.

He'd see how things would go. First of all, he had to ask Y/N to go to the festival with him. Maybe she had other plans already. Maybe she would be going with someone else... Shouta didn't think so, because she had barely left the house, since she moved in here and there was no one coming over, but everything was possible. Shouta wasn't just going to assume things. Not with Y/N. Y/N was always good for a surprise. Shouta smiled to himself as he was thinking about her.

"Oh... Hey, Shouta. I didn't think you'd be out here." he heard a voice behind him saying. Shouta jumped a little, as he hadn't even heard Y/N approaching. Always good for a surprise, just like he said.

"Y/N. Are you already done storing away the tea?" he asked her. He had figured she'd be busy for longer than that. Or was he maybe out here for longer than he thought already? He wouldn't put it beyond himself to completely forget time, especially when he was thinking about Y/N?

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