5 - 寵

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Shouta had been excited for this ever since he had asked Y/N to come to the festival with her. He had been excited to spend time with her, to see her enjoying herself, to see her in the golden light of the street lanterns and the silver moonlight by the river. But when the time actually came, he could almost not contain whatever feelings were welling up inside him. It was perfect. Y/N was perfect.

When she had first taken his hand, Shouta thought he might just die from how fast his heart started beating. He hadn't even meant to say anything, and he cursed himself when he had said anything about it to her, because she had pulled her hand back. But he was glad that he hadn't embarrassed her too much. And that he could buy her food and see how happy she was about it.

He really loved seeing her happy. Shouta was absolutely smitten with the wide smile on her face, the way her eyes were gleaming when she was happy about something, how she immediately looked so much younger and more lively... Shouta was definitely sure that he loved this woman. There was no other explanation, there was nothing else he could say for himself.

He had fallen in love with her. He almost didn't want their walk home along the river to end, but it did get colder very quickly and he was also sure that Y/N had to be getting tired after being up for such a long time. Plus, it was time to go home and burn the wishes anyway, even though he wished they could be walking along that little path by the river for the rest of their lives.

But unfortunately that wasn't really possible. Well, Shouta had enjoyed it while it lasted, but now they were getting closer to the teahouse again and he was genuinely debating whether he should make a move or not. He didn't want things between them to be awkward, but he also really wanted to kiss her. Or hold her hand again or... or anything really. Shouta wanted her.

But what if she didn't feel the same way after all? Shouta could barely imagine that being the case - not after they had gotten so much closer lately - but it was still a possibility. He was almost certain that he wouldn't be able to cope with her rejecting him for a long time. So he was nervous about this. But Shouta really just wanted Y/N so much. To hell with him still being married.

"That was so much fun, Shouta! Honestly, I don't know why I kept myself holed up in my apartment every evening after work all this time. I really should have started going out much sooner." Y/N said to him. She seemed a little exhausted, but her cheeks were flushed from how excited she was about everything. Well, even if he couldn't make a move on her tonight, at least she had a good time. That was enough for Shouta already, if he was being honest with himself.

"It's much more fun when you're not all by yourself, though." Shouta replied, a small smile on his face. He had actually hated going out when he was all by himself. He never really knew what to do with himself. Sure, there was the atmosphere, but it was only half as good with no one to share it with. He was glad that things had gone well with Y/N, because he had missed spending time like that with someone else.

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