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Y/N didn't think that it would get any better

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Y/N didn't think that it would get any better. Everyone always said that it would get better, and it did sometimes, but whenever things got better Y/N knew that they would soon get much, much worse. And she didn't want that to happen. Whenever she started feeling better, she immediately got suspicious again, because things could never just stay good. There was always a catch somewhere and Y/N was so sick of getting caught by surprise. But sometimes she let her guard down.

And whenever she let her guard down, she was actually able to be pretty happy for a short time. And she noticed it, too, and it always made her nervous, because it meant that the bad times would probably return soon. But this time it was different. This time she just let it happen and she knew that when things would get bad again, Shouta would be there for her to catch her.

And now that she was more relaxed about it, it seemed like it wasn't too bad. She had her times when things got bad again, but somehow it was getting clearer and clearer that they'd be looking up again at some point. Y/N felt better than she had felt in years. Her lows weren't as low anymore and they didn't last as long. And while she really wanted to attribute it all to Shouta, she knew it wasn't just him.

He was playing a big part in her getting better, but it was also the fact that she was finally getting help and that she had a good place to live, social contacts and stable employment that wasn't stressing her out constantly. Maybe it had also something to do with her taking care of the garden and spending time outside. Y/N was convinced that the fresh air was doing her good.

Y/N had never believed people when they told her that it would get better, but she knew she could trust Shouta, so she found it easier to believe him. And it helped. It didn't magically heal her, but it helped. They were arguing at times, but it was never too bad and they always somehow made things work again. And even though Y/N was still struggling, she was confident in saying that she was happy.

Y/N wiped some sweat away from her forehead. She had been weeding the garden all morning, making sure it was tidy enough now that winter was about to arrive. The summer had been very busy and very warm and it lingered into the autumn now. When the sun was out, it was beating down on her skin mercilessly, but as soon as it disappeared behind a cloud, it was almost freezing cold. And since it was very mixed weather, there was no winning and Y/N just had to live with being boiling hot whenever the sun was out and with sweating buckets.

But now that it was getting a little later, she figured she might as well call it a day and head back inside, have a shower or even take a nice bath and then spend some time with Shouta. He had been outside once or twice throughout the day to bring her some food and something to drink, but the garden was mostly her domain and her safe space, so he tended to leave her to it.

Y/N quickly headed back inside, glancing around the corner into the little office space that Shouta used to do his paperwork. She smiled when she saw him sitting there, going over his paperwork as usual, so focussed on it that he didn't even notice her as she snuck up on him. He only noticed when she put her hands on his shoulders, making him jump in his chair and turn around.

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