5 - 悲

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Shouta woke up to some noise he couldn't quite place

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Shouta woke up to some noise he couldn't quite place. His first instinct was to just ignore it, turn around and go back to sleep, but something at the back of his mind was telling him that he should see what it was about. It took him a good few minutes until he was actually properly awake and until his brain was working. That was when he could finally categorize the noise.

It was sobbing. Shouta had woken up by the noise of someone sobbing. He sat up quickly, glancing over to Y/N's side of the futon and noticing that she wasn't there. He felt where she had been lying and it wasn't completely cold yet. She couldn't have been gone for too long at this point.

Shouta tried to get his eyes used to the darkness, so he could try and make out at least some of the room. He could see some light coming through the small gap of the bathroom door. Y/N had to be in there, right? Had she woken up crying and decided to go to the bathroom so Shouta wouldn't realize anything? And if yes... for how long had she been doing this?

Shouta felt a wave of tiredness rolling over him and if he was being honest, then all he really wanted was to go back to bed and continue sleeping. Y/N would be fine and she'd come back to bed when she was done crying. But what if she wasn't going to be fine? He had told her he'd be there for her, hadn't he? Shouta felt horrible for even thinking about going back to sleep when his girlfriend was in the other room crying. Especially since he knew about her past.

So he stretched his arms and got up, still feeling groggy and sleepy. He had to at least check on her, see what's wrong. He didn't want to wake up to her... he didn't want to wake up to her being gone. Not that he really thought it might happen, but it was always a possibility, unfortunately.

Her therapist was saying that she was doing okay and shouldn't be in any immediate danger, but still. Shouta preferred to see that for himself, especially since he had noticed that she kept having more bad days lately. Y/N kept telling him not to worry about it, but of course Shouta would worry. What else was he supposed to do when he knew that she sometimes felt like she had no other way out?

Shouta groaned quietly and slowly walked over to the bathroom door. He waited in front of it for a while to listen to what was going on, but all he could hear were some suppressed sobs and some sniffing. She must have heard him approaching and was probably trying to stay quiet, so he wouldn't worry about her. Shouta sighed. Y/N always tried not to be a bother to him and while he appreciated it, he wished she would bother him more with things like this. He wanted to help. He wanted to be there for her and try to support her, but he couldn't do that if she kept it all to herself.

"Y/N?" he asked, knocking at the door a few times. He heard some shuffling, some quick sniffling and then she was taking a deep breath.

"Shou?" she replied, her voice shaky and quiet. He could easily hear that she had been crying, so he opened the door slowly and looked inside the bathroom. Y/N was sitting on the floor, looking up at him with big eyes, widened in surprise. She obviously hadn't expected him to come inside.

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