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Y/N was hoping that she was doing this right

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Y/N was hoping that she was doing this right. Shouta and her had been starting on renovating the tea house, since they had to keep it closed for a while, whenever he had to go to some court dates and file some paperwork for the divorce. So they just called a holiday for a few weeks to get it all over with. Thankfully, it wasn't going to get messy in any way, so that was a relief.

Y/N had met Mariko a few days ago and she seemed like a nice person, but it was pretty obvious that her goals and the kind of life she wanted was very different from what Shouta had in mind. But they were both aware of this, so it was actually pretty nice to meet her and talk to her.

Shouta had gone out this morning to get some more paperwork done and had pretty much left her to her own devices all day. He had told her they'd continue renovating when he'd get back, but Y/N didn't want to wait. Plus, she didn't just want to lounge around doing nothing all day.

The only problem was that the garden was already done and while they had started on the interior, it was mostly Shouta working inside. Y/N had helped him out a good few times and she knew what he was planning to do with the place. In theory. Practically, Y/N wasn't sure whether she was doing this right or not. She just winged it and hoped for the best. Plus, she was pretty sure that's what Shouta was doing as well - winging it and hoping for the best. Everyone did.

After reaching a certain age it became pretty obvious that that was what everyone was doing. Most people had no idea (or only a very vague idea) of how things worked. If they needed to know something, they just kind of winged it until they got the hang of it. And it was probably one of the most relaxing things to realize, once Y/N got older. No one had any clue what was going on.

Looking back at her work it seemed right - at least it looked good so far. And it matched everything that Shouta had done so far, so it couldn't be that wrong. Y/N just hoped that Shouta wouldn't get mad about it. Not that she thought he would, he seemed pretty laid back when it came to other people taking work off him. But Y/N knew that everyone had a few things they were odd about.

Maybe for Shouta this was one of the things he just got inexplicably irritated by. Y/N surely had a good few things that did her head in, and she tried to avoid them as much as she could. It was much easier that way in general, much less to worry about and much less to complain about.

Y/N stepped back to admire her work. It looked good. Now that she was taking a little break, she realized how tired and exhausted she was. While she was busy working away she didn't even realize how much energy this took out of her, but now she felt like she was wrecked. She really hoped Shouta would be back soon, because she needed a longer break. Maybe a nap.

Just as she was thinking that she heard the door opening. She turned around just in time to see the look of surprise on Shouta's face. Y/N smiled at him widely. She was pretty proud of her work, whether he liked it or not. She just hoped that he wouldn't get mad and argue with her.

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