7 - 語

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Shouta woke up the next morning, wondering whether he had just made a huge mistake by sleeping with Y/N

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Shouta woke up the next morning, wondering whether he had just made a huge mistake by sleeping with Y/N. It wasn't like he was regretting it at all. Especially not, when he woke up and saw her there, sleeping peacefully right next to him. It was just... he still wasn't divorced. Sure, he and Mariko had separated years ago, but it still made him feel kind of guilty that he wasn't properly divorced yet.

Shouta turned around to look at Y/N who was still fast asleep. Her (h/c) hair was fanned out over her pillow, a few goosebumps grazing her skin. She had her hands folded underneath her head, leaving her small, petite shoulders exposed. She was so perfectly beautiful, for a moment Shouta couldn't believe she actually existed.

But here she was, right next to him and for a few hours she had been only Shouta's and no one else's. But now? He had no idea how to continue everything now. He was well aware that he had started this and it was his own fault that he was in this situation now, but... he somehow had to tell her.

He had to tell her everything that had happened. How he was still married to Mariko, why they had separated, how he had kept hoping that maybe things would get better after a while, but they never did and that that was the reason they weren't divorced yet. That he couldn't be with Y/N just yet and that he wanted to go through with the divorce first, before they started being together.

Shouta felt horrible. He should have thought about all of this, before he slept with her. He just hoped that Y/N would take it well and that they'd still be able to be as close as they had been all this time. Shouta wouldn't be surprised if she didn't want anything to do with her anymore, however. He had been a total idiot, not telling her about any of this beforehand. But he just hadn't thought about it for a single second. Because he was being incredibly stupid.

Shouta sighed and sat up, grabbing his yukata from beside the futon and quickly putting it on, tying it together loosely. He'd have to get somewhat dressed, get a cup of tea or coffee to have a clear head and then he could start thinking about how to best break the news to Y/N.

He got up quietly and left the bedroom, after glancing back at Y/N's sleeping figure one last time and then made his way downstairs to prepare some tea for breakfast. It was probably already late enough, but Shouta hadn't bothered looking at the time. He was just glad that he would be able to get a few minutes to himself, before he had to talk to Y/N, which would be unpleasant enough.

Shouta had to tell her the entire story, that much was clear. But he didn't even know where to start. He knew that she was aware of him being married, but he wasn't sure whether Hizashi had told her anything else. Maybe he shouldn't have interrupted them, but he did prefer telling her everything himself. With a sigh, Shouta started making a pot of tea when he heard soft steps on the old wooden stairs.

Y/N was always being very quiet, but Shouta knew this house inside and out and he knew which noises were normal and which noises were caused by other people. He was surprised that she was up already, so shortly after he had gotten up. He wondered if he maybe had woken her up or if she had been awake this entire time and he just hadn't noticed it. She was strangely skilled at acting like she was asleep and at being quiet. Shouta wondered why that was.

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