2 - 記憶

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Y/N was kind of glad that this whole day was over

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Y/N was kind of glad that this whole day was over. She loved the work, but it had been really busy and she thought she might actually lose it a few times throughout the day. It rarely happened, but some days were just busier than ever before. Thankfully, it was the exception to the rule.

And now in the evening it had gotten quieter again. There were only two or three people left and one of them was Hizashi. Y/N had gotten quite familiar with Hizashi over the last few weeks, since he stopped by pretty regularly. She liked him, even though he could be a bit loud sometimes.

But today, with her ankle hurting, and her sitting down to do the dishes, she couldn't really escape him. Not that she wanted to. She liked having the distraction of talking to him, while Shouta was in the back doing his paperwork or cleaning upstairs. Some days, Shouta just liked to have some solitude in the evenings, from what Y/N had noticed. She didn't mind it at all.

"So, Y/N, are you ever going to get a day off or something?" she heard Hizashi asking. She raised her head to look at him, painfully aware that she hadn't been listening to him properly at all. Somehow when Hizashi started talking, all she ever needed to do was just nod and smile along. Usually she was listening, but sometimes after a while she would just zone out and not hear anything anymore.

"A day off? I mean, I don't know. I haven't asked for one yet." she answered. She hadn't even thought about asking for a day off. Sure, there were a few festivals coming along... maybe she could ask for a day off on one of those. They'd probably be closed anyway. Or at least not open for as long.

"You haven't asked for one yet? Jeez, I really need to tell Shouta to give you some time off and go easy on you. Is he working you to the bone? Be honest." Hizashi replied, a big grin on his face. Y/N laughed and shook her head, as she dried one of the tea cups she had just cleaned.

"He's not. I'm sure if I asked he'd gladly give me a day off, but I just haven't asked. It's fine, though, I really like the work and it feels like I'm constantly on vacation, to be honest. I think Shouta just tends to forget that people take days off, too. I've never seen him take a day off, unless we closed up early or unless something happened." she told him. She wondered why Shouta rarely took days off... Y/N knew that she liked to be distracted by work, so she didn't think about any bad things. Was it the same for Shouta? Y/N wondered what his situation was...

"My God, Shouta really needs to become more self-aware. He'd forget to breathe if he consciously had to think of it." Hizashi replied, shaking his head. Y/N laughed, because... well, it was true.

"He absolutely would." she agreed.

"And he also needs to take time off work. I know he likes to distract himself with work, but it's not good for him. He'll work himself to death some day, if he's not careful." Hizashi said with a sigh.

Y/N didn't want to be this curious. Honestly, it was none of her business. But when she heard that Shouta was working so much to distract himself from something, she couldn't help but ask. After all, that sounded so familiar to her... she wanted to know what had been happening in Shouta's life.

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