31. The Closed Room

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The Chief Steward led the three fugitives through the streets of the city on a route which took them through the narrowest of alleyways, under low arches and behind the backs of houses. At one point they hurried through a narrow brick-lined tunnel which went straight underneath one of the huge stone walls. Esther could tell that the grumpy official knew his way around better than anyone else ever would. She thought back briefly to the large model in his rooms and wondered how much of the city he had designed himself.

She let Swan and Watcher go on ahead of her. She was very conscious that they were her responsibility and she was determined to keep them safe. Certaine had given her a mission and she was not going to let him down - even at the risk of her own life. She was however, slightly annoyed about her 'business woman' outfit. It wasn't designed with action in mind and was going to be completely ruined by the end of the night. The cream coloured linen would never recover!

They climbed up some dark steps and emerged onto one of the main avenues. There were still a few people around even though it was way past midnight. Oasis City was a twenty-four hour community and the night-life would continue right through until dawn.

An elderly baker staggered past with a small cart laden with bread. A young couple were walking along, arm in arm - lost in each other's eyes. A couple of bored prostitutes stood underneath a gas lamp smoking, while an academic wandered along with his head in a book.

'What's after us?' Swan asked as they paused to catch their breath.

'Some kind of hunter,' Watcher replied. 'It's been after you all along. Remember the storm on the beach and the Crovian War Birds?'

'And that thing that attacked us on the space station?'

Watcher nodded.

'It's a sophisticated programme designed to seek and destroy a target - but it's limited to the rules of the world in which it operates.'

'So there will be things that it can't do?'

Watcher nodded again.

'It's coming after you,' he continued. 'But it can only operate within a specific range of behaviours.'

'Which means?'

'It'll probably hit you with a sword rather than zap you with a laser gun.'

'Well, that's something!'

The Chief Steward ushered them onwards.

'We need to keep going,' he said urgently. 'The twelve won't be able to keep it busy for long.'

'Will they be okay?' Esther asked.

'I should think so,' the Steward replied uncertainly. 'It's not after them - and they are quite capable of looking after themselves when they need to...'

Esther glanced back, wondering about the big whore, the old merchant and the fortune teller. They had not hesitated to place themselves in harm's way and she silently prayed that they would survive. She was beginning to develop a certain amount of affection for this curious town.

The four of them continued along the broad avenue as rapidly as their tired legs would allow. They passed under the shade of tall trees and tried not to stumble over the cobble stones. It wasn't long however, before they had reached the tall gates of the citadel.

The sentries looked up in surprise as they rushed through into the outer courtyards.

'Close all the gates!' the Steward ordered loudly. 'And summon the guard! Issue everyone with ocular protection! We are under attack!'

There were few military crises in the City and the soldiers rarely had to do more than parade around or look smart. The two sentries had expected a quiet night but they did know how to follow orders. They pulled themselves together admirably and pushed the heavy gates shut. A huge beam was dropped into place to keep them closed. One of the sentries then sprinted off to raise the alarm.

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