26. The Eye of the Needle

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The Camel's Head was an old five story hotel built in a south-east asian style. It was filled with bamboo furniture, oriental hangings and colourful paper lanterns. The roofs slopped inwards in concave curves, and the staff were dressed in silk gowns and embroidered jackets.

It hadn't been easy to find a room in Oasis City, since so much of the space had been booked by the large visiting parties - and those who were hoping to make a profit during several weeks of raucous celebrations.

The small group had visited several establishments before an attendant greeted them warmly and handed them a key. Apparently, a room had been booked in the name of Travis Petros, and the hotel had been given a pencil sketch so they could recognise him - should he turn up.

Swan had been a little disturbed by this, but they talked it through and agreed that it was unlikely to be a trap. Watcher suggested that Travis had arranged for the room himself, knowing that they would need somewhere to go.

Swan shrugged and they were taken upstairs where an attendant lead them to a room with an impressive view across the city.

The room had two single beds, some soft chairs and a white tiled wash room. The balcony protruded out from the building and was large enough to hold a few plants, some bamboo seats and a round table.

Esther paid the attendant, who undoubtedly thought they were engaged in some form of illicit sexual encounter. She hooked her bag over a chair and collapsed onto a bed for a few moments while Watcher tracked down some drinks.

After they had all had a chance to unwind a little, they took their glasses and made their way onto the balcony where they watched the sun set.

The hotel was tall enough that they could see out across the city - over four of the thick walls and and past some of the taller buildings. The setting sun picked out details on church spires, apartment blocks, chimneys and bell towers. Lights began to flicker on in windows and they could see the silhouettes of people as they returned home, or prepared for nights out.

'Quite a city,' Watcher said appreciatively as he sipped his drink.

Esther nodded.

'There's a lot going on out there,' she said. 'I've only scratched the surface so far.'

She put her drink down on the table.

'You've been here before, of course,' she said. 'Don't you remember anything about it?'

'Nothing,' he replied sadly, shaking his head. 'I keep remembering small facts and details, but I've got nothing on this place.'

Swan had been lost in thought for the past couple of hours as they had made their way through the system from the Swan to the city. He was slowly trying to put the pieces together and was beginning to work things out for himself.

'So, let me get this straight,' he said thoughtfully. 'The system is a vast network of files, data, thinking machines and committees that run the world, and there are six powerful minds who own most of it.'

'That's a bit of a simplification,' Esther replied carefully. 'But, yes, that's essentially correct.'

'Watcher is one of the six minds,' Swan continued. 'But he has been attacked and his part of the system has... crashed or stopped working?'

'Something like that,' Esther said slowly. 'You might say, he's been... blocked, so that no information can enter or leave his extended self.'

Swan looked blank, so she tried to explain it in another way.

'This city is stored in a block of memory that belongs to Fidriss - or is part of Fidriss. You might say, we're effectively inside his mind. Now, some kind of wall has been set up around Crittis so that nothing can get in or out, while his identity is slowly being erased. Someone is effectively murdering him while we speak.'

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