24. An Enquiry

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The Council Chamber had been rearranged for an evening meeting. Although it was a relatively small room, it was still the logical place for this important gathering. The large thrones has been replaced with a ring of simple wooden chairs and six desks, behind which the remaining Council members were seated, with their aides on either side of them.

A number of candles had been fixed to the walls and large bulbous lanterns hung from the ceiling. The room was packed with officials, guests and servants who were comparing notes, checking papers and making sure that they could see what was going on.

Since Arden Crittis was still missing, his place at the table had been taken by one of his agents, a short woman called Restriss-Bo. She wore a smart blue business suit and rectangular glasses with dark brown rims. Her hair was held up in a tall beehive, and her one item of jewellery was a thin golden bracelet on which a number of coloured beads had been strung.

As chair of the Council, Dorian Fidriss had chosen to dress in a dark jacket, befitting the solemnity of the occasion. He was very much aware that the eyes of the world were watching, although he studiously ignored the ring of journalists and observers who had packed into the hexagonal room and were now standing around the outside edge.

Before the meeting, he had trimmed his beard and rearranged his hair so that it was clear he was taking things seriously. His four assistants were poised at his side, with huge piles of books and papers in hand ready to provide advice or information whenever it was needed.

Each of the Council members had their own retinue, which they had carefully selected for the occasion. Philipa Bartim, for example, had a trio of blonde avatars, dressed in matching pastel outfits which complemented her own. Pierre Gastis was accompanied by a sizeable group of hawkish lawyers, while Ebba Martiss had chosen a mix of technical advisers and personal agents.

Adreus Certaine took his seat behind his own well worn desk. He had two legals by his side; both of whom had represented him many times before. He shuffled some papers and made a few notes. This would be a very public event and he wanted to be sure that the right questions would be asked.

The Chief Steward was busy with the crowd of observers. He made sure that they all had a good view of proceedings before taking his place behind Fidriss. He watched over the meeting like a kingfisher perched by the side of a river. This was his territory and he was determined that everything would run smoothly.

Restriss-Bo was well known for her efficiency, and had managed a number of high profile projects for Crittis over the years. There was no formal procedure for nominating a representative for one of the six, but she had acted as his deputy at a number previous Council meetings, so Fidriss had suggested she should attend.

She glanced through her papers in a business-like way, while also watching the other Council members warily over the top rim of her glasses. As an employee of Arden Crittis, she was aware of her precarious position. Her missing employer could be held responsible for a number of deaths while she would also need to consider his future business...

Fidriss tapped a glass of water with his pen and the hubbub of voices faded away.

'Ladies and gentlemen,' he said after clearing his throat. 'This meeting of the Council is now in session.'

He looked around at the packed chamber.

'We always keep full recordings of our meetings, and they are open to public scrutiny, but we do understand that there is a great deal of public interest at this time, so we are very pleased to welcome our guests.'

He offered a nod of acknowledgement to the crowd.

'We will, however,' he continued. 'Be following our usual protocols, so please direct any comments to the attendants who are here to meet your needs.'

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