30. Order and Chaos

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Dorian Fidriss was as old as he hills. In fact, he had shaped the hills around Oasis City himself using a piece of modelling clay and his bare hands. He had created their curves and the valleys between them and was still pleased with the effect.

Everything about the city and its surroundings was his. He had designed the land, nurtured the wildlife, put the people in place and watched them grow. It had been his special project and he had put thousands of years into its development.

Inviting the Council of Six to Oasis City had seemed like a good idea at the time - a harmless whimsy. It was his turn to chair the weekly meeting and he had asked his colleagues to join him in his favourite creation. It would only take half an hour in the real world, but he was able to use accelerated time so that they could become part of his world for weeks - and experience it properly.

How he regretted that now! A simple meeting had turned into a global disaster. Thousands were dead or injured, Arden Crittis was missing and - worse still - the attention of the entire world was now focussed on his private hideaway.

He found his mind wandering as the others interviewed a minor official. This inquiry was a waste of time in so many ways - just an attempt to convince the world that the Council cared - and was still in control. It was all politics and business, and appearances where everything.

He wondered if the Chief Steward had any news. He noticed the familiar face of his inscrutable servant circling the room and his expression was unreadable. If Fidriss had been the creator, then this man was the cornerstone of Oasis City - the rock on which it was built. Gabrielle Midriss - a lesser mind, to be sure, but his right hand man, confidante and brother.

He tried to focus on what the official was saying. It was something about the way Crittis had disappeared, but he wasn't following the discussion and it didn't make sense.

He tapped his glass of water to get attention.

'I think we need another recess,' he said firmly. 'Half an hour and then we'll gather together again to sum up.'

Nobody argued with this. Everyone was getting weary of running over the same facts from different angles. They weren't getting any closer to the truth.

The Chief Steward bent down beside him and whispered in his ear.

'There has been a disturbance in the city,' he said quietly. 'I think there might be trouble.'

Fidriss nodded but said nothing. He stood up and followed the crowd down to the reception rooms. He noticed that Certaine was deep in conversation with some of his own people. There was definitely something going on.

He found himself next to Restriss-Bo at the buffet table.

'Thank you for you contributions,' he said politely.

She acknowledged his comments with a brief bow and then shuffled off to talk with her colleagues.

Fidriss sighed. His time as Council Chair was going to be remembered for all the wrong reasons.

'What's your next move?' Ebba Martis asked quietly as she joined him at the table.

He shrugged.

'I think we've done as much as we can do,' he replied. 'I'd like to wind things up and call it a night.'

She nodded as she continued to watch him like a spider examining a fly.

'I was thinking more about the situation here in the city,' she said. 'My agents tell me that a rogue viper has been spotted.'

He looked at her sharply.

'That would be illegal!' he said forcefully. 'Who would dare?...'

His voice trailed off and she nodded slowly.

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