23. Steward's Nest

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The sun was setting slowly over the city as a thousands of tiny lights began to shine. The Chief Steward sat on his balcony watching as it began to slip behind a line of distant hills and then fade beneath bands of warm orange clouds.

His fingers traced gentle circles on the side of his head. He had the beginning of a headache and would not be sleeping well this night.

'Long day?' asked a man in a white linen gown.

'Too long...' the Steward replied with a groan. 'Did you make that coffee?'

'I did,' the second man replied, placing a tall cup on the wooden table. 'You should like this one. It's a recent import.'

The Chief Steward took a sip and made an appreciative noise.

'That is good,' he sighed. 'Where did you get the beans?'

'A gift from Arden Crittis, would you believe?'

The second man was identical to the Chief Steward in appearance, although he seemed a lot less tired. He poured a second cup from a pot and drew back a chair.

'How ironic...'


The Steward drank his coffee slowly and enjoyed the feeling of calm that was settling over the city. The evening sky was now becoming quite dark and more lights flickered into life beneath them.

'Some of the twelve are unhappy,' he said with a resigned tone. 'They don't like being disturbed.'

The second Steward grunted.

'Some of the twelve are always unhappy,' he replied. 'They enjoy complaining. It gives them something to do.'

The first one nodded.

'I never thought they would last this long,' he said wearily. 'Perhaps it's time they moved on.'

'Maybe... but I don't think we should do anything hasty while everything is so... tenuous...'

The Chief Steward nodded again.

'There is going to be an official enquiry,' he said in a more businesslike tone before finishing the dregs of his coffee. 'The Council are going to reconvene in a few minutes.'

'Who is with them?'

'Number three.'

'Okay,' the second Steward replied. 'I have already heated a bath for you, so have a soak, get to bed and we'll talk in the morning.'

The Chief Steward eased himself upright and patted his other self on the shoulder.

'Thanks,' he said gratefully. 'Just what I need.'

He picked up the empty cup and took a few steps towards the door.

'Are you doing the night shift?'

'I am,' the second Steward replied.

'Watch that dancing girl,' he warned himself. 'She's trouble.'

'Nothing we can't handle between us...'

The Chief Steward grunted and climbed back into the castle leaving his less weary self to enjoy the night sky.

Down below them the night life of the city was beginning to stir. Lanterns were being lit, restaurants were opening and half of the city was preparing for sleep - while the other half was waking up.

Up on his private balcony, the Chief Steward could do both. He had long ago learned that he could get far more done if he did it himself. It would be a long night...

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