Chapter 12: Force of Vengeance

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A dark blanket of stars covers the sleeping village of Konoha as a shadow can be seen leaping over the rooftops. The figure lands in front of Sasuke's abode, stepping forward the light of the moon reveals the figure as Shinsei. Walking up to the door he notices it slightly ajar, inside Sasuke has a bag slung over his shoulders.

"So where you headed Sasuke?" Shinsei asked.

Sasuke turned to Shinsei, his face filled with conviction.

"Shinsei listen, this is where our paths diverge. I tried walking this road with you all. But, I've realized that I have to walk a different path. So, I'm leaving the village."

Shinsei stepped forward staring Sasuke in the eye.

"If you're going then I am too." Shinsei states.

Sasuke's eyes slightly widen as Shinsei continues, "There's nothing left for me here, I need to get stronger. You're leaving for the same reason as me, to become a force of vengeance."

Sasuke begins to leave his home, as he walks through the doorway he turns to look at Shinsei.

"You have 30 minutes to be at the village gate. If you aren't there on time I'm leaving you behind."

Shinsei gives Sasuke a silent nod, as he activates the Body Flicker dashing back towards his home.


Having gathered his things Shinsei, began his trek to the village gate. The moon sat high in the sky, painting the quiet streets of Konoha with its pale light. As Shinsei continued his moonlit walk he hears faint screams in the distance. Picking up his pace to a sprint he sees Sasuke chop Sakura on the back of the neck. Sasuke picks her up, gently laying her on a nearby bench.

"What was that about?" Shinsei questioned as he readjusts the straps of his bag.

Sasuke continues his walk towards the gate as he responds, "It was just an annoyance. Let's keep moving."

Taking one last look at Sakura's body Shinsei runs to catch up with Sasuke. Eventually the two crossing the threshold between Konohagakure and the outside world. Continuing forward the only light guiding them being the stars and moon in the sky. As the forest began to thin the ground begins to incline. Eventually, the ground begins to level again into a plateau. Standing at the precipice were four Shinobi each bowed on a knee in front of Sasuke. One of the Sound Ninja raised their head and spoke.

"We've been waiting for you, Sasuke."

Sasuke with an unchanged face replied, "So what's with the change in attitude?"

As the clouds parted Shinsei was able to get a better look at them. The one speaking had fair-skin and straight light-blue grey hair with long bangs covering his right eye. He wore a black shirt under brown tunics with long sleeves and with a symbol on the hem, and black skin-tight shorts. He then began to speak again.

"It was decided that the moment you abandoned the village you would become our leader, please forgive our earlier rudeness. Although we didn't expect you to bring anyone with you."

"Shinsei is an invaluable ally, and one of the last Uchiha. He wanted to join me in this new beginning." Sasuke replied as he walked past them.

The six Shinobi stood over the village as the moon lay behind them, casting down an ominous shadow. This was the start of a new era. The squadron of ninja then began the trek to Otogakure, the Village Hidden in the Sound.


The six shinobi continued running through the forests of the Land of Fire as they grew closer and closer to their destination. During this time Shinsei had learned of the four Shinobi the Sound Four was comprised of. He learned the one who was speaking to Sasuke was Sakon. The next was Kidomaru, he has dark-skin with black, shaggy hair tied into a ponytail and black eyes. For some odd reason he has six arms. He wears a black, sleeveless shirt under a sleeveless grey tunic that bares the symbol of the Sound Four on the hem, and black skin-tight shorts. The big guy was named Jirobo; he has fair-skin and narrowed, slanted orange eyes. He has three tufts of orange hair on his head: a mohawk  of sorts that ran down the middle and two similar styled tufts of hair at the side. He sports a beige-colored, sleeveless tunic with the symbol of the Sound Four on the hem and a pair of black, and pants that stopped just below his knees. He tends to be very quiet and always has a stern expression on his face. Last but not least is Tayuya, she has fair-skin and brown eyes that were accentuated by her eyelashes, but her most distinct feature is her long and untamed red hair. She dons a black shirt under a tan tunic with elbow-length sleeves and bore the symbol of the Sound Four on the hem, and black skin-tight shorts.

The sun had begun to peak in between the branches of the forest as the group leaped from branch to branch. Suddenly, Sakon jumped to the ground and began speaking. However, Shinsei was lost in his own thoughts.

'Ever since my encounter with Itachi my eyes have felt strange, I don't know why but I feel stronger.'

Shinsei is snapped out of his thoughts when Sasuke taps him on his shoulder. An extremely serious look adorning his face.

"Do you trust me?" Sasuke asked.

Shinsei turns and nods. Satisfied with the answer Sasuke walks over to the Sound Four as they proceed to seal him inside a basket. Jirobo lifting the basket and slinging it onto his shoulders the group carried onward. As the journey through the forest continues, the group is cut off by two Leaf Jonin. There was silence neither group dared make a move, then the silence was broken by one of the Jonin.

"So what you got in the coffin, and why do you have one of our newly promoted Chūnin with you?"

The Sound Four activated their Curse Marks, preparing for combat and charged forward. But, before they could reach their quarry the two Leaf Jonin froze in place, their faces a now blank stare. Shinsei walks past the two frozen Shinobi and begins to speak.

"I have faith the four of you can take care of these two, I'll be waiting for you all at the Valley of the End."

As Shinsei picks up into a sprint a drop of blood falls from his face.


Sitting atop the statue of his fellow Uchiha; Uchiha Madara; Shinsei waited for the Sound Four to arrive with Sasuke's body to return to Otogakure. A figure emerges from the tree line and begins running up the statue of Madara, coming to a halt in front of Shinsei it was Sasuke. However the Curse Mark was covering his left side, his iris had become a yellow color, and the sclera was black like his curse mark. Raising an eyebrow Shinsei began to speak.

"What happened to you, and what happened to the Sound Four?"

Sasuke turned to Shinsei his eyes cold and replied, "They're all dead. As for me, I've just grown more accustomed to my power."

"So, do we move on then?" Shinsei asks.

Sasuke shakes his head as he turns to face the massive statue of Hashirama Senju. "There's still something that I have to deal with first."

As Sasuke finishes his sentence Naruto arrives atop the statue opposite of the pair. He then screams, "Sasuke!"

The sound echoes off the walls of the canyon as Sasuke turns to face Naruto.

(Start at 3:53, because I can't capture this in words well, plus I'm too lazy.)

As Sasuke begins to fall to the ground Shinsei grabs him, and using his sand carries him along side him as he began running again.

'They are both incredible, but I refuse to fall behind no matter what!'

With this final thought Shinsei and Sasuke faded into the dark forest as the next leg of their journey together begins.

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