Chapter 5: Preliminaries

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We return seeing Shinsei hastily making his way towards the tower at the center of the Forest of Death. After a few encounters (which I'm not writing out because they're fodder) Shinsei arrives at the tower. Upon arrival Shinsei found a marked door, pushing it open he steps into a large room that was completely empty except some large writing on the wall. It read, "If qualities of heaven are your desire, acquire wisdom to take your mind higher. If earthly qualities are what you lack, train you body and prepare to attack. When heaven and earth are opened together the perilous path will become righteous forever. This ____ is the secret way that guides us from this place today."

Shinsei: 'Hmm, a riddle huh. Let's see heaven and earth opened together. Well I have a heaven and earth scroll, so all I have to do is open them at the same time.'

Grabbing the two scrolls from his pouch Shinsei laid them on the floor and rolled them open. Suddenly, the two scrolls began emitting smoke.

Shinsei: 'Crap, a summoning jutsu?!'

Out of instinct Shinsei leaped back, as a figure appeared in the large puff of smoke. Shinsei drew his tantō, waiting for an attack from the figure.

???: "Calm down I'm not your enemy. I'm here to tell you passed, extremely quickly at that. You completed this phase in just less than five hours. The next phase won't begin for another four days. So you will have to wait for a while. That's all."

Just as quickly as the man had appeared he disappeared into a puff of smoke.

Shinsei: "Four days, I guess in the meantime I can work on my Body Flicker."


Four days had passed with Shinsei training his Body Flicker in order to improve the cloning technique his father created, of course food and water were provided seeing that he couldn't leave to get more himself. Now that the five days had finally ended Shinsei along with the other 21 Genin who passed were taken to a large arena where they would go through a set of preliminary rounds since there were too many Genin. The matches would be refereed by a Jōnin named Hayate Gekkō. The matchups were as followed, (including Shinsei's thoughts on each)

1. Sasuke Uchiha vs. Yoroi Akadō (Sasuke wins) 'I'm excited to face you in battle when you recover Sasuke.'

2. Zaku Abumi vs. Shino Aburame (Shino wins) 'Shino's insects seem to allow him to be a formidable threat, I'll have to use Fire Style to deal with them.'

3. Misumi Tsurugi vs. Kankurō (Kankurō wins) 'Kankuro's puppets are still as dangerous as ever, perhaps even more so, I'll have to be careful if I face him.'

4. Sakura Haruno vs. Ino Yamanaka (double knockout) 'That, I don't even know.'

5. Tenten vs. Temari (Temari wins) 'Temari is still formidable, however her opponent Tenten didn't allow her to show all of her skills.'

6. Shikamaru Nara vs. Kin Tsuchi (Shikamaru wins) 'Shikamaru, his tactical prowess is extraordinary, he could be trouble.'

7. Naruto Uzumaki vs. Kiba Inuzuka (Naruto wins) 'Kiba's overconfidence was his downfall, Naruto may act like an idiot but he's resourceful and unorthodox making him a threat on the field.'

8. Hinata Hyūga vs. Neji Hyūga (Neji wins) 'Hinata's will may be strong however, her opponent required more than a strong will to defeat.'

9. Gaara vs. Rock Lee (Gaara wins) 'Gaara you are still as ruthless as ever, but it seems that you can beaten. Rock Lee, his taijutsu skills are incredible, a shame he sustained such injuries.'

10. Dosu Kinuta vs. Chōji Akimichi (Dosu wins) 'A single blow was all it took, this could be troublesome.'

Now it was time for the eleventh match Shinsei Uchiha vs. Kabuto Yakushi. Jumping into the arena Shinsei prepared to face his opponent.

Hayate: "Now then, please begin."

Shinsei leaped backwards and thrusted his hand forward, and from underneath his cloak and stream of red sand shot towards Kabuto.

Kakashi: 'So he can control sand like Gaara, interesting.'

The stream of sand hurdled towards Kabuto, but with little effort he dodged out of the way. "You'll have to be faster if you want to hit me." Kabuto said to Shinsei with an air of confidence. 'Without shape the sand doesn't travel very quickly, that was to test his reflexes. I don't want to reveal all of my cards yet, so I'll hold back on using anymore sand. I'll just use my own speed from here on.' Shinsei prepared to end this swiftly by using Body Flicker. Focusing he began to slow split apart until there were three of himself charging towards Kabuto.

Naruto: "Kakashi-sensei what jutsu was that?"

Kakashi: "That looks like the Body Flicker, however he is using it such a degree he is making afterimages of himself. There has only been one other person who was able to pull this off."

Sakura: "What was his name?"

Kakashi: "Shisui of Teleportation."

The three Shinseis charged at Kabuto with tantō drawn, but before they could strike however Kabuto raised his arms in the air.

Kabuto: "I forfeit."

End music

Shinsei immediately stopped himself, as the two clones disappeared.

Hayate: "Why did you forfeit, you haven't even been hit yet?"

Kabuto: "When I saw him do what he just did, I knew I wouldn't have been able to beat him."

Shinsei sheathed his weapon and walked away, somewhat disappointed he wouldn't get too show off his skills yet. The winners were given one month to prepare and heal, and Shinsei was going to use it to grow even stronger.

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