Chapter 33: Jealousy, Jealousy

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"Will I be replaced?" her hand touches the mirror "Will He replaced me?" The phone buzzes. it was her old friend, Y/n just stares at her phone. Not wanting to pick up. Her eyes gave an angry chill. As they read the name. She quickly declined the phone call. " don't ever call me!" She throws her phone on her bed, So roughly "Not ever again, you took him away from me."

"Not even him Noticed I was gone. Why... Why you!?!"










A week Earlier

Miya runs up to you all excited "N/N, guess what!?" He asked. Miya was so excited like a little kid. It warmed my heart. "what is it?" I smiled, Miya blushes a bit "I ran into our old friend" My eyes were completely shocked "wait? really!?" Miya nods "yeah, He talked about maybe I am cool"

I pulled Miya into a hug. " You are cool. Always to me." Miya pushes Y/n "Don't say lovey things like that." Y/n giggles. In the background, They could hear yelling. Miya spun around it was their old friend. He hasn't bothered to talk to us so why now? Why now all of a sudden?

"Hey guys!!" "Hey" Miya answered back but I stayed silent for a while until I spoke a simple hello. He is just giving me weird feelings but I'll just push them away for the time being I don't wanna ruin our Reunion. "So Y/n, how was America?" He asked me. I completely spaced out in my thoughts and forgot about this. "Um it was good?" Omg i'm a complete idiot... just 'good'. Miya looks towards me with a strange looking face I've said something stupid. which I did, who asks and question when they need to answer one?! "Anyways! I haven't seen you in the spotlight in a while Miya what's up with that?"

"Well uhh I kinda forgot to be honest! There were so many things happening in my life that I forgot" Miya answers, what he said wasn't a complete lie. There were things happening in his life. Like literally EVERY drama that happened when I started to skate again and with Ad*m too but it's in the past well I think.

Time passes by and we all say our goodbyes well expect that me and Miya walk home together. "Wasn't it fun to catch up to our old friends again Y/n?" "It was" I walk to my front door and say my goodbyes as well.

The next day is when every thing happens. Miya walks to school without me. He usually walks with me but today he didn't which was very strange. Just when I arrived at school I see him talk to our old friend (A/N:ima call this friend umm idk David because why not y'all can change it he just gives me David vibes to me)
David just laughing with Miya. My feelings were kinda hurt because I felt like Miya betrayed me. He wouldn't do things with out telling me.. right?
Well that's what I thought I least, but of course I couldn't be sure because our relationship isn't serious and we are just in middle school (we aren't like those kids in the hallways in school)
Just thought he could at least call me and tell me but no. I'm so probably getting way to ahead of myself this is a one time thing.

Of course it wasn't it kept happening day after day. Miya actually kinda talked to me less and we were in the same class. I should just talk to him about it right?


 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 ( 𝖬𝗂𝗒𝖺 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 ) 𝐒𝐤𝟖 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲Where stories live. Discover now