Chapter 23: ~ Groceries shopping ~

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The birds were chirping and leaves swinging through the wind. Sakura Petals falls and lands on the ground. The (H/c) haired girl was outside planting her beautiful roses. Her soft hands covered in dirt. Soft 'Meows' could be heard, Y/n's kitten was trying to catch a butterfly.

They tried to catch the butterfly but failed. The H/c girl giggled softly. She pets her kitten "There there it's okay." She rubbed their backs.

Miya comes outside with A glass of water "You're planting roses?" Y/n nodded, "I have other hobby's y'know." She teased, "Oh I forgot to say C/n needs more cat food." She remembered Miya jumped in shock "Why didn't you tell me!" "I forgot.!!" She yelled back

Miya sighed. "Okay so now I have more on the shopping list.." He groaned, Y/n giggled. She stood up "I'll get cleaned up and go with you." He sighed then nodded.

As He waited he felt leaves on his head. Miya grabbed his skateboard and her's

Y/n still had her dress on "Don't you want to change." He asked, Y/n shook her head. "Nope anyways it's gonna be a quick stop right?" She says. Miya pulled out the list "Yeah it's not that much."

Y/n grabbed her Skateboard, from Miya "Kay let's go." She skated away. Miya got on his and skates to catch up with her. "Catch me!!" She yelled and giggles. Miya blush's "Don't worry I will." Miya skated towards the side of the road and did his rail slide. Y/n pouted "That's not fair I don't know any tricks." She cried. Miya was now next to her "I'll teach you tricks one day right now we have to get groceries." He says, the H/c nodded

"I hope Cherry is okay." She says. Miya grabbed her hand which caught her off guard. Miya genuinely smiles "He's going be okay!" He cheered her up just like she does to him. Y/n blushes "Y-Yeah !"

As they were racing to the grocery store. Something caught Y/n's eyes it was a beautiful Bouquet of Flowers. She has always dreamed of someone giving her flowers. The H/c blushed at the thought of Miya giving her Flowers. Her red face caught Miya's attention "What's wrong?" Y/n snapped out of her day dreaming. "Oh it's N-nothing." She stammered, Miya rose a brow. "Well we're almost there, oh and stay by me okay?" She nodded

Both 13-year olds walk side by side at the store. They grabbed what they needed and some snacks. "This?" Y/n asked as she was holding a pack of pocky.

Miya sighed and nodded. Y/n started to jump a little. This made Miya blush, he loves her being happy, "Grab three.." He mumbled loud enough for her to hear. She eagerly got two more and put it in the cart. "Is this all we need?" Y/n asked, Miya got his list out and started to double check. The h/c girl giggled on how serious is her boyfriend when his checking stuff.

"Yup we got everything." Miya assured, They started to check out. They only had like four bags but it was enough "okay so I get two and you get two." Miya nodded at this. They both skated back home which wasn't that far.
Y/n puts the bags on the floor and goes in her purse to grab her keys. She started to open the door. The door opens and she lets a big sigh "Finally home!!" She yells. It was sunset the sky was a beautiful peach pink color. Miya turns on the lights "Don't be so loud and we have to unpack." He says "okay~"

A/n ok so I did a new cover

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