Chapter 18

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Okay, okay. Wow.

It's ten minutes until the dance, and only just know I've realized that I've only been watching the clock, not preparing.

Liv flings the door open.

'The hell!?' She exclaims. 'Why aren't you ready! Erin Darcy!'

'Sorry.. I'

She throws me my dark blue sundress lying on the bench and I gather up all my things.

I walk into the little changing stall and quickly change. My sundress may not compare to the girls, but Shane would kill me if I wasn't wearing formal attire he's the one who's planning all of this.

I come out with my sundress flowing around my knees and my straps against my shoulders.

'Pretty,' Liv says. 'Come here.'

I on a chair beside her, and she plaits a fishtail braid into my auburn hair.

She's much better than I am, so I'm grateful that she reminded me.

'And, as a final touch,' she pins a daisy into my braid, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

'You look beautiful.' She smiles.

'Thanks, but it's not my wedding, silly.'

Her eyes go wide, then she tries hiding a sheepish grin.

'Oh heck, you too!?' I shake my head.

'Hey- wait what? I don't know what you're talking about. What me too?'

'You're a terrible liar.'

'Shut up. Let's just go to the dance.' She says, getting up.

I grab my sweater and sling it on, walking into the crisp air.

I faintly hear the booming of music. Oh god, has Shane overdone it?

As we approach the huge plain gazebo, I see fairy lights hung around the poles, and lights, tables, buffets.

I raise my eyebrow. This isn't what I expected, but everyone seems to be having fun.

Shane runs up to us.

'What do you think? I know it's a little overdone but..'

'Overdone?' I laugh. 'That's the understatement of the year.'

'Okay, okay. Fine.' He holds his arms up. 'It's over the top. But still. What do you think?'

'It's pretty. I like it.' I shrug.

'Good. Now let's go get food.' He tugs on my arm.

'Oh no. Is it like caviar?' I joke.

'If you consider burgers fancy.' He says.

'Yum.' I say, speeding up my pace.

I now realize how starving I am.

Laurie comes up to me from one side, and Carrie from the other. They both give each other a glance, but ignore each other.

'The food's so good!' Carrie says.

'That's Martha for you.' I chuckle.

'Lucky, you got to work with her when you lived in New York.' Laurie says.

'Well I didn't get to eat with the customers.' I say.

'Anyways, look around!' Laurie says, joyfully.

Laurie probably helped Shane with the design, because it almost looks magical, like a land out of her fantasy stories.

'It's amazing!' I say. 'Not much people are here yet though.'

'Well it's only five forty.' Carrie says.

I give Liv a look.
'You came to get me early.'

'We need to be ready.' She says in her defence.

'I still think six is too late for the little kids.' Laurie frowns.

'Can't wait to be Aunt Erin giving your kids candy when they're not allowed it.' I grin at Laurie.

'I'll always be watching, so I don't think so.' She says.

I chuckle, and we watch as some kids start filling up.

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