Chapter 4

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I wake up, squinting at the streaming light from the windows.
'Morning.' Emery says, pulling on a jacket.

Last night we were shown to the cabins, and chose bunks. Me and Emery shared a bunk. She called top before I could, so I took bottom.

'Morning.' I say casually, but the anticipation makes my fingers tremble.

The door knob twists open and a stable hand named Lucas walks in.
'Everyone up?' He booms, teasingly, making people jump out of their beds.
'Erin's waiting at the barn.' He says, causing everyone to fully wake up.

I unzip my bag, and head for the showers, slinging it over my shoulder.
I open a stall to the showers and pull the tap on, letting the cold water run. I strip off my pyjamas and place myself under the water which was not yet warm, to my annoyance. I let the water slide through my hair down my body, and soon rub a mix of shampoo and conditioner on my knotty wet mat of hair. I step back into the water's spray and miraculously as I comb my hair with my fingers, it becomes silkier.

After it's all washed out, I turn the water off.
I wrap my towel around my hair and another around my body. I dry myself and release my towel. I dig around in my bag for some clean clothes and find my tan breeches and navy blue polo shirt. I pull on my shoes underneath my socks, avoiding tying my laces because I'd be changing into my boots in a second. I trudge out of the shower stall, back to the bunks.

I sit on a bench beside the lockers, leaning forward to grab my boots, helmet and gloves. I zip up my long boots, clipping my helmet on, then pull my gloves on. I feel satisfied as I walk into the group who's ready beside Lucas.

It's only a little while longer before we're ready to walk to the stables. We move like a stampede out the door. I hear my boots crunch on the gravel path that leads to the stables. As we walk, we see other groups with different schedules. I feel grateful we get to ride first.

At the barn, there's a white board with our names and other names- the horses I think. The thing that catches my eye though, is Erin, waving at the door.
My stomach knots up. I'm not sure how I'll be able to take seeing her everyday if this is how I interpret it.
'Hello riders!' She chirps.
'Hello,' I murmur, shyly.
'So, it's nice to see all of you again. You can pause to look at the board to see what horse your on, then we'll go and meet them.' She explains.

I scan the white board, looking for my name. I look for the T's and soon find myself.
Maggie Thorne- Rooster
Rooster; that sounds nice. Of course I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover though. I'm too nervous. I fiddle with my fingers as I let the others find their names. Everyone looks forward when they've found it. We head forward into the stables.

It's bigger than I imagined, hosting a suitable home to all the horses. Small windows let the warm air flow around the stables. The wood used on the stalls is a warm vibrant colour, along with all the pillars holding the loft up. The ground is paved with neatly placed cobblestone.

'You can look around for the names hanging on the stall doors, once you're done, just stick near your horse.' She instructs.
I scan around for a Rooster. I walk down the hall a few steps, and find a sign on the stall door that says Rooster. I step forward near his stall, and take a good look at him.

He's a red quarter horse with sturdy legs and clipped hooves. His mane is stubby and short, a tad darker than his coat.
He approaches forward with curiosity as I lean against the stall.
'Hi Rooster.' I greet him with a stroke of his neck. He's a pretty friendly guy, giving me nudges and small nickers. Others find their horses and look delighted. I spot Emery beside a palomino pony who I see is named Ally.

'Are we all ready?' Lucas asks, popping up beside Erin. 'The arena's ready.'
This sets off the butterflies. I have an itch to know what we're doing today.

I notice Erin and Lucas are skimming the stalls tacking some of the horses up. I glance around for tack and I see a bridle hanging on the other side of Rooster's stall. I grab the slippery leather and slip into Rooster's stall. I push the bridle up onto his head, buckling all the buckles. I look around for a saddle, until I see Lucas is coming over with one.

'Hello, you on Rooster?' He asks briskly, entering the stall. 'I see you know how to tack up.'
'Yeah. I'm on Rooster.' I say, letting him adjust the girth of his saddle.
He pats Rooster, before scooting out to the next horse.

I stand, prepared, waiting for the others to get ready.

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