Chapter 9

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I'm debating whether I made a good decision or not. Apparently I can take them in if my vet stays here until everything's okay.

Right now they're unloading her from the trailer, not too successfully. She's thrashing and whinnying. It's a miracle no ones been hurt yet.

The only thing I can think of to bribe her is treats. I glance around and see a bag of bananas lying down at a table. I shrug and pick it up, cautiously approaching the psycho horse. I make sure to discard to bag somewhere it won't flap and unpeel the banana. I hold it out to her, but instead of biting into it, she tries chomping my hand of. I flinch back, dropping the banana. She stomps on it.
Right, she wouldn't know what it is.

From around the corner, I hear a squeaky voice.

'Cover it in sand.' Maggie says, keeping her distance.
'What? How would tha-'
She nods at me encouragingly.
'It works.'

I bear a puzzled expression.
Sand? That couldn't be it.

I shrug and thoroughly cover a banana in sand. I come back and lay it on the ground, just a step further from where she's standing in the trailer.

She pauses and eyes it dangerously. I wonder what's going on in her head. She leans forward, not daring to move a hoof. It gives Dr. Ethos a chance to silently give her a checkup. She tastes the sand, and struggles her lip to get a bite. Shane, in the trailer, gently pushes her forward, getting a swish of the tail in return, but to my surprise she moves forward. I leave sand bananas on the ground all the way to the gate to the back paddock.

She slowly, but surely gets there and then runs around in the paddock. She looks uneasy and frightened but she accepts it. I leave some hay there, but she avoids it, mostly keeping to the grass. She's had enough bananas for today.

To my relief, Maggie's keeping her distance. Maybe she's not a "wild horse bond" kid. Though, I dread when I have to tell all the campers. I'm not sure how they'll react.

Ugh. This is such a bad idea. How did she even convince me? What happened to my senses? Is it too late to take her back? I push that thought out of my head, I'd have to deal with it now.
I sigh and collect all the campers from the cabins.

'Alright everyone! We have a new rule. You are strictly not allowed near the back paddock without permission. Everyone got that clear?'
I say sternly.
They nod, some look scared, some nonchalantly, and some curiously.

I give everyone a lingering stare, letting them get an idea of the consequences. Once I dismiss them they all look solemn and the curiosity washed away.

I'm surprised about how well that went.

Carrie, Laura May, Carter and Shane catch up to me.
'r my Are the rumours true?' Carrie asks skeptically.
'Unfortunately, yes.' I sigh.
'Told you!' Laura May scoffs.
Carrie rolls her eyes. 'Well that's stupid. And here I thought it was just Laurie's imagination.'
Laurie glares at her, but shifts uncomfortably when Carrie accepts the staring contest, refusing to look away.

'What's with you guys this week?' I ask.
They roll their eyes.
'But Carrie's right. Pretty stupid.'
'Finally we can all agree on something.' Carrie smiles bitterly.
'Yeah I know. Stupid. But now we have to deal with it.' I say. 'Oh and she only eats sand covered things.'
'And she's pregnant.' Carter adds.
Shane and Laurie raise their eyebrows.
'Isn't that a little bit too much to take on Erin.' Laurie lightly touches my arm. 'I know you like challenges but this is a summer camp. Not a show.'
I rub my sore eyes. 'Yeah.' I sigh. 'I know. I'm really tired.'
Carter looks at me sympathetically.
'Have a rest. Come on, I'll take you.'
I'm obliged to argue, but I can't seem to see what's wrong with having a rest. I nod and follow him to the counseler's cabin.

I sit on a bed and yawn.
'So.. what's new with you?' I ask. 'We haven't talked in a while.'
He looks nervous, fiddling with his fingers.
'Ah. Not much. Not anything. Um yeah. You?'
I raise my eyebrow but say nothing.
'Call me when dinners ready.' I say.
He nods and gets away as fast as he can.

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