Chapter 8

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I have Maggie awkwardly slung around my lap, while Misty takes us home- not to mention dragging Rooster by an extra lunge line.

I adjust Maggie's position, avoiding dropping her. She's not really unconscious, but she refuses to move or talk. Great second day.

I'm almost as panicked as she is. How could I screw up already! Has that even been done before? Would I get sued? Holy crap.

I decide my main focus should be returning her and bringing her to the camp nurse. So I'm relieved when we walk through the gates. I got a volunteer named Sophia to take them back to the stables, luckily.

I dismount and Shane runs over, followed by a cluster of volunteers. They whisper and gossip til I can't take it. I hand them Misty to take back, then I coax Maggie to walk all the way to the nurses station.

A glass of water and little bit of rest gets her back to her senses. But as soon as she sees me, she looks scared. Her eyes go big and she flushes.

I sit down beside her, finally unleashing my curiosity.
'Was that a wild horse?' I ask.
'Am I trouble?' She asks shyly.
'Nah. Rooster's more in trouble than you. But do you know if you did anything to make him all anxious?'
'Well, in the beginning I guess he was a little brisk, then when I hit my head I think it set me off.' She replies honestly.
I nod. I guess Rooster needed a little more training. She could have Toodles for this week.
'And yes, it is a wild horse.' She says.
'Wow! That's-'
She cuts me off, and beholds a grave expression.
'She's sick Erin. We need to help her.'

Sick? How could she tell? And how would we help? Maybe it's just a little kid trying to get a bond with a wild horse. Those people really trigger me. A lot of kids I've met think they can just ride of in the sunset of a crazy wild horse and make an instant bond. Well they can't.

'My mom's a vet. I've grown up seeing pregnant horses. She-'
'Pregnant!?' I exclaim.
She nods. 'But she's too skinny. It's gonna be messy. Can we please help her!'

It's not only the innocent look in her eyes that makes me consider it, it's the thought of being pressed charges.

'I don't know Maggie.'
'Oh please! We can call the humane society and ask.'
I pause to consider it again. I bite my lip.

A wild horse and a foal!? Do we even have room for them? I guess we do have the back paddock. I run my hand through my hair. I saw how that mare was spooked.. would she-
No. We can call the humane society and leave it to them-

'Please.' She disturbs my thoughts.
I sigh. These kids were making me do crazy things.
'We can call the humane society and take them in, if we're even allowed- and you don't go and tell everyone "guys! I saved a wild horse" it's not a secret, but I want to tell them the rules when they know. There's going to be a lot of rules okay?'
A wide smiles is plastered across her face.
'Okay! I promise.' She squeals.

The nurse nods at her dismissal and before she heads back to the cabin, she stops.
'Thank you.' She says.
'No promises, alright?' I say.
She trots away as I grasp true realization of what I've done.

Shane walks up to me. Over the years he's become one of the closest people to me, maybe even more than Liv.

'Hey.' I sigh.
He looks at me suspiciously.
'You have the look on your face. What happened?' He asks. 'I mean other than Rooster going bonkers.'
'Oh I don't know. A camper just coaxed me into taking in a pregnant wild mare and now I have to make a call to the humane society.'
He raises an eyebrow.
I brush him off and pull out my phone, dialling the number.

'Hello, this is the humane society how can I help?' The receptionist says.
'Hi... we found a pregnant mare. She's sick. Um we were wondering if we could take her in until she's better.'
She pauses. 'I'll send someone over. What's your location?'
'Rising up cam-'
She hangs up.

Do I have their consent?

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