Chapter 11

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I feel refreshed from my nap and am now tacking up Misty for a ride. Laurie asked to join so she's also tacking up Poker.
I've changed into a green blouse underneath my black vest, and I'm wearing my normal breeches. Laurie is wearing a pair of her brown breeches and a loosely tucked yellow shirt.

We lead the horses outside and mount. We go down a small trail close to the one where Rooster went mad on.

To my relief, Poker and Misty seem to be buddies and don't fight us when we bring the horses closer together to talk.

'So what's new?' Laurie asks.
'I don't know, well a lot but,' I chuckle.
'Yeah, I get that.' She chuckles in return.
'You?' I ask.
'Well, I'm thinking of writing some more books. I think I'm going to take this writing this more seriously.' She says.
'Good for you!' I smile, she deserves this.
'Thanks.' She says, turning Poker a little bit left.

'So any ideas for your book?' I ask. Me and Laurie haven't talked in a while and it would be nice to get a conversation up and going.
'Yeah. I think I'll write some fantasy. I've been reading a lot of it and honestly I just love it. I've already scribbled down some notes.'
I nod.

'I'm going to make it about this girl in like a fantasy world who has to track down her sister who goes missing and you know she meets some people along the way.. yeah. Haven't planned much but I don't intend for it to be as dull as it sounds.'
'Sounds like it will blow up!'
'Thanks!' She beams.

'It's been a while since we've talked, hasn't it?' She says.
'Yeah, my exact thoughts.' I nod, 'Hey um what's up with you and Carrie?'

She pauses, as if phrasing what she'd say next.
'We've been... arguing. A lot. About everything we say to each other.' She sighs.
'Oh.. that.. sucks.' I say, taking in what she told me.
'I mean I don't know. I just don't. Can we talk about something else?' She asks.
'Sure.' I smile.

'So.. since we're taking about relationships, how are you and Carter? He was acting weird last I saw him.'
'Yeah.. I'm worried. I'm not really sure if he's hiding something from me or..' this is my turn to sigh.
She nods sympathetically.
'Is he like avoiding you? Going places saying he's going nowhere?' She asks.
'Yes.. exactly.'
Her eyes go wipe and a grin breaks out across her face.
'What!' I ask. If she knew what he's up to, she better tell me.
'Nothing! Nothing.' She says, still grinning.
'Oh cmon! Tell me!'
'I can't. It's nothing.'

I look at her suspiciously, was she going to be avoiding me too now?
'Okay...' I say, reminding my self to ask about it later.
She tries changing the subject. 'What books what you been reading?'
Something me and Laurie have in common is we love books. It's the main topic we talk about together.

'Oh I don't know. I've been going to the library picking up random things. The bookstore is too far away from camp.'
She nods. 'We should go there soon.'

I notice the blue sky is turning purple with streaks of the sunset becoming more vibrant by the minute.

'It's getting late,' I yawn.
'Didn't you just have a nap?' She teases.
'Every chance I can get.' I wink playfully.

She laughs as we turn our horses around.

'Crazy how time goes by so fast,' I sigh.
'Yeah,' she shrugs 'Feels like that with my whole life.'

Suddenly I get a ping from my phone, causing Misty to jump a little.
I halt Misty, then pick up my phone.
It's Carrie.

Carrie: Hi, can you talk?

I shift to text back with both arms.

Me: No, not right now.
Me: I can meet you at the cabin in ten. That okay?
Carrie: Hmmm.. what about the small barn?
Me: isn't that far?
Carrie: Please.
Me: Sure,

I'm surprised at how formally Carrie is writing, usually she uses text form to the extend I'm not always sure what she's saying. But now it was clear, she was upset and something was wrong, and that's when I'm supposed to help.

I tuck my phone back in my pocket, explaining to Laurie why I have to go.
The grin wipes of from her face and she bites her lip. As I start riding away, she looks like she's about to say something, but hesitates.

'Yes?' I say.
'Nothing- you can go.' She replies.
This was even more suspicious.

But I rode off anyways.

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