Idiot waiter

800 9 0

warning - none

this one is short

I was getting ready for my date Draco in the bathroom of our manor, we have been dating for 3 years and it was going great, i put on a light green dress that had little flowers on it, I curled my hair and put on the rings that Draco had bought me on our first date, I then put on a necklace that had Draco's ring on it because it didn't fit my fingers, I slip on my heels and walk out go the bathroom to see my perfect boyfriend standing there with Daisys in his hand, he had an all black suit on with a Gucci belt and a silver necklace of a moving picture of me and him kissing, I kiss him softly on the lips, "thank you Draco" I said as I smelled the flowers in my hand, I walked over and put them in a vase and then walked over to the full body mirror, I pulled my dress to make it where there were no wrinkles, Draco then came from behind me and put his hands around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder, "you look beautiful love" he said as he kisses my jaw, "you always say that" I say turning around, "because it is true!" he grabs my waist and pulls me into a deep passionate kiss, I pull away and rub his lips, "your gonna get lipstick on you at the restaurant" I said as giggling, I wipe the pink lipstick off his lips and then grabbed his hand, we walk towards the fireplace, he grabs a handful of floo powder and yells the restaurant in Diagon alley (I don't know if there is one but it this story there is) we then apparate into the restaurant and see a lot of people, there was classic music, a huge fireplace, and if you look up you see a glass ceiling with butterflies in it, it was beautiful, i gasp as I walk around. We follow our waiter to our seats which were right next to the fireplace so we could be warm, this restaurant was for the most rich purebloods out there, I smile and take Draco's hand and hold it, I look around as our waiter began to ask us for our drinks, "Hello i'm Liam and I will be yalls waiter today, what would ya'll like to dink" he asked just looking at me, "um ill have a water" Draco said then taking his attention to me, "ill have a water too" I said then grabbing the menu for me and Draco to look at, "sure thing" he said then leaving, me and Draco then continue looking threw the menu while our hands were still holding.

After a couple of minutes of looking the waiter comes back and stands very close to me, "ok here are the waters, now have ya'll decided on what ya'll will be eating tonight?" he said looking at me again, Draco noticed and put his arm around me, I smile and start talking, "I think i'm going to get the spaghetti and meatballs with a side salad " I said looking at the menu, I then look at Draco, "and i'm going to get the same thing" he said, I picked up the menu and handed it to the waiter, he purposely touched my hand while grabbing it and winked at it, my eyes widened and once he left I turned to Draco and picked up the napkin and wipe my hand, "weirdo" I said under my breath as Draco chuckled. Me and Draco continued to talk when I look over and see the waiter staring creepily at me, I then look away and go back to Draco, a couple minutes of later I could see in the corner of my eye that the waiter used magic to spill the little bit of water left in Draco's cup onto him, once it dripped onto him I grabbed the napkin and started to dry his suit, I turn away so the waiter cant see my mouth, "it was the waiter, he used his wand to spill it on you, he wanted you to go to the bathroom so he could come to me and flirt" I whisper softly but loud enough so Draco could here, "that asshole, he clearly cant see that your mine" Draco said as he helped me dry his suit, once the suit was mostly dry the waiter came with our food, "here ya'll go" he said placing down the food and purposely touching my hand again, I move my hand and pick up my fork as he walked away, I stopped Draco from taking his first bite and switched our bowls, "um what are you doing?" he asked, "he gave you the cold spaghetti, I saw him" Draco then looked up at me and lifted my chin and kissed me softly, he pulled away and said, "we can get you real food after this if you want" I chuckled and we began to eat, I mostly ate the salad instead of the pasta.

20 minutes later the waiter came to us and again mostly stood very close by me, he handed me the check and once I opened it a gasp, I showed Draco and he clenched his jaw, the waiter had wrote a note on it and said, 'how about you ditch that blondie and come with me hottie'  I faked gagged and Draco was about to get up but I stopped him, "not in public babe, just watch me" he watched as I wrote 'not a chance waiter boy' on the paper.  We put the coins down by the paper then got up and went to the fireplace,  we then apparated back to our manor, once we got in Draco sat on the couch and crossed his legs, I sit next to him and he wraps his arms around my waist an pulls me into him "I cant believe that jerk thought he could take whats mine" he said roughly,  I giggle and look up at him, "I know right" Draco smirks at me and grabs my jaw and pushes my lips into his, I bring myself onto his lap and I start playing with his hair as we continue to make out, he grabs the back of my neck and sticks his tongue in my mouth, after a minute or two we both pull away and I bring him into a hug, my head resting on his shoulder as I continue to play with his hair, "i'm glad I'm yours" I whisper into his ear, I smirks and kisses behind my ear, "me too love"

AN: 1130 words

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