idk what to call this

776 12 0

warning - making out

y'all are in the muggle world


my best friend, Draco, had invited me over to see him since his parents were in the wizard world for a whole week, i was sitting by his windows and Draco was sitting on the bed watching tv. i had found a ladybug, a bird, and a lizard, i could here Draco arguing about some car racing but just ignored it and kept all the small animal together, i then heard Draco groan, i heard footsteps coming closer to me but i knew it was Draco, "what are you doing" he whispered as he bent down to my ear, "i found animals" i whispered back still having my attention in them, "what's their names?" he asked, "ok so the ladybugs name is Nia" while i was talking i felt Draco's hot breath go onto the back off my neck, my breath got shaky and i stiffened up, "then um.. the birds name is um.." Draco then slid his hands around my waist and i put my hands over his and held them, his hand was now rested on my left shoulder, "Quen" i then picked up the lizards and held it with one hand, i then felt soft lips go onto my neck and i closed my eyes trying not to let out a moan, "then the lizards name is Mateo" i move the animals from the window to the roof and set them down as Draco kept kissing my neck, i let out light moan and turned my head,"you know your really cute when you take your time to admire animals and nature" he whispered and then started kissing behind me ear, "what are you doing Draco" i softly say as we made eye contact, "something i should have done a long time ago" he then look at my lips and brought his face to mine, he stuck his tongue in my mouth and made our mouth sloppy, i stoop up and we went to the bed not breaking the kiss, he laid down and i got on top of him, he had his hands on my neck and my hands were resting on his chest, i then sat down close to his area and kept kissing him, he bit my lip making me moan and i did the same to him, i got up and started kissing his neck and leaving hickeys that made him moan, he put his hands on my waist and moved me down so i'm laying next to him, we both smirk and i move my hand so i'm looking at him, he then moved me closer to him so we're cuddling and he picks up the remote and changes the channel to a movie, he puts once hand on my waist and the other in my hair playing with it, he kissed my forehead and then my lips, "will you be my girlfriend" he whispered, "yes" i then kissed him and smirked

AN: 506 words

Draco Malfoy imagines🪄🐍Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora