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warning - none

in this story no one dies except one person, I know I didn't include Bellatrix but shew was already killed by Molly.

I was walking down the school of Hogwarts very worried, I was worried because Mcgonagall just announced that death eaters are roaming the school all throughout the halls trying to find Harry Potter, of course I knew where harry was I was his best friend, but I new I couldn't tell anyone even if they tortured me, I started running through the hall constantly looking behind me ever 5 seconds, I couldn't see exactly where I was going because i've already got hit by one of the death Eaters, I mean you would be scared to if you got hit by a person in all black with a mask, I continued running down the halls when I looked back a saw one, my face went pale and I started sprinting, of course the person was faster than me, I was terrified. After a couple seconds of not looking back I felt a hand go around my waist tightly, and the other hand went around my mouth, the person had picked me off the ground and I start screaming but no one could here me, I tried moving out of their grip but it was way to strong, my throat was sore from screaming so much. the person begun walking to a empty classroom, I used all my strength to get out of their grip and I start jerking my elbow back to push them in the rib, I did that many times and they then threw me onto the floor, I looked around and sadly I was already in the classroom, I tried to get up but they held onto my waist so tight it hurt to breath, I managed to make it to the door but I tried opening it but I wouldn't budge, I turned around a saw the person standing there, I began crying, "I won't tell you anything now let me go!" I screamed at the person, I began sobbing and I fell to the floor and I put my head in my hands, the person sat next to me and put their arms around me, "sshh please don't cry your safe" the person said, I recognized that voice, I put my head up and I see the person take their mask off, once they fully took it off I instantly gasp, "but..why?" I asked the boy, "it was my father, I didn't have a choice" he began rubbing my back and I moved closer to him, "why are ya'll doing this" I asked while still crying"the dark lord, he needs Harry Potter and if we can't find him, he'll kill all of us" I started crying more and he pulled me into a hug, my head was in his chest and my arms were wrapped around his waist, his arms were on my hair softly rubbing it, "I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise darling" he said softly whispering into my ears, I slowly stopped crying and we were still siting on the floor, we then hear a loud crash, both of our heads went up and my face went worried, I sat up, "I should go out and see what's happening" I try and walk out but he grabs my hand, "wait, I was forced to be like this, I didn't have a choice, but I think I have a plan, none of these death eaters don't want their life to be like this, and we need to help them all, i'm pretty sure Voldemort is starting a war and im going to tell you this plan, but you can only tell Harry Potter, Hermione granger, Ron Weasley, ginny Weasley, Fred and George Weasley, and then Remus and Nymphadora Tonks" he then whispers the plan in my ear, I smile and we walk out of the door, he puts his mask back on, "run as fast as you can and tell the others ok?" he said, "ok" I then sprint off the fine my friend. After 5 minutes of running I find everyone, "guys! GUYS!" I scream to them, they all get my attention, "y/n! are you okay, Voldemort is starting a war!" Hermione says, "I know! but we have a plan" "who's we?" Ron said, "me and Draco, see he is a death eater too but he didn't have a choice, none of the death eaters did, and he told me this plan and I think it might work" they all had a confused look on there faced, I then lean into them and say the plane very quietly, they smile and nod, "well I have to go!" I yell as running away back to Draco.
After a couple more minutes of running I finally found Draco, I run into is arms and catch my breath, "do they know!" he said checking on me, I nodded and he then grabbed my hand and started running, we saw that everyone was already outside, I first saw the Hogwarts students then I saw all the death eaters, the only one that looked happy was Voldemort, I started to get worried and then we walk into the courtyard, I saw all my friends, the only person who wasn't there was harry, he was under his invisibility clock behind the wall, they nodded at me, I nodded back and then Draco stepped forward, Voldemort's head turned to us, "she knows where harry is!" Draco yelled at Voldemort, "ahh bring her here Draco" he said motioning us to come, I could already tell Draco was nervous if I got hurt by him, he walk over to where Voldemort was standing, Draco then let me go and walked behind Voldemort, I was in front of him, "now before you get hurt, where is he" he yelled in my face, "I don't know" I said, "ahh lying for the lover I see" Voldemort said, he walk closer to me and bended down, "tell me where he is now and you won't get hurt!" he yelled once again, "I told you I don't know!" I screamed in his face, he had anger on his face, he picked up his hand and slapped me across the face, hard. Draco's face went mad, I saw that Draco picked up he's wand an put it behind Voldemort's neck, "Draco, what are you doing" narcissa said, he held up his finger to tell her to wait, he then screamed a spell, "CRUCIO" Voldemort then fell on his knees and screamed, Draco kept repeating that spell until he saw my friends walk up, I knew that harry was behind them hiding. Voldemort dropped his wand and he rolled pretty far away, my friends held there wands up and started screaming torture spells, then after a couple more spells, harry picked up Voldemort wand, he moved to the front and all the death eaters gasped, he pointed the wand at Voldemort and said, "you deserve this, AVADA KEDAVRA!" once harry screamed that word, Voldemort started to vanish into little pieces, once he was completely gone all the death eaters look at there arms and saw the mark slowly disappeared, there smiles came back, there lives before all of this came back, the only people who weren't happy was Lucius Malfoy, Corban Yaxley, and Scabior. Draco then ran towards me who was on the ground, he kneeled down, "are you ok?" he asks rubbing my cheek, "well he has a very powerful slap i'll tell you that" he held out his hand and I grabbed it to get of the floor, Draco wrapped his hands around my waist tightly, I then remove his hands, "you held onto me tightly earlier is still hurts" he then look at me and frowned, "i'm sorry darling" I lift up his chin and give him a kiss on the cheek, "its fine don't worry" then my friends came over to us, "that was the best plan we've had yet" remus said, "thank you Draco, I didnt know you could be so nice" harry said as he brought Draco into a hug, Once they let go everyone shook hands and we couldn't believe it was finally over.

1 month after war

It has been 1 month after the war, Hogwarts was built even better, Mcgonagall was the new headmaster and there were already knew students coming to Hogwarts, harry got with ginny, Hermione got with Ron, and remus and Nymphadora Tonks had their first baby, teddy lupin, he was the cutest thing ever. me and Draco had gotten very close, he even invited me over to his house for summer break, I gladly said yes of course, Lucius Malfoy, Corban Yaxley, and Scabior all went to Azkaban 3 days after the war. Draco and his mother redecorated their house to be more pretty and bright. Once I walked into the Malfoy Manor my jaw dropped, there was new furniture, wall colors, kitchen, everything was new, it was completely beautiful. Me and Draco held hands while walking to his room, his room was very green and big, huge bed, huge chandelier, and a huge tv, even a nice few. After 4 days of staying at his house me and Draco were outside in his garden picking flowers, I sat down on the grass and lay my head back, Draco then came and laid next to me, he turned over and started playing with my hair, "um y/n?" he said sounding nervous, "mhm" I said turning my head towards him, "I like you" "I like you to Draco" I said smiling, "no I mean like like, or just love, yeah I love you" he said, I got shocked, my eyes went towards his eyes and we stared at each other, I then smile, "I love you to Draco" he smiled and lifted up my chin, "can I?" I nodded, he then brought his soft lips to mine, it was perfect, are lips were colliding together and I started playing with his hair, he smiled then pulled away, "I love you so much y/n, I have for years, but if I told you that I was a death eater, I thought I would lose you, and I really don't want really didn't want to lose my best friend and my first love" he then grabbed my hands and held them, "and I mean I have been eating forever to do that but I didn't want to ruin our friendship, but now that I know we both love each other, will you be my girlfriend" as he said that he took his hand form behind his back and gave me flowers, I smile and laugh, "of course Draco" I then kiss him one more time.

AN: 1812 words

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