Chapter 7: Bulldogs

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The next day, I was bombarded with texts, phone calls and FaceTimes from parents, friends and Aaron, asking me about my first day at Yale. I was really excited to share with them the news of my new friend Alana.

'Hey Liv, I hope you're doing well,' Aaron said in our phone call.
'I am...but I miss you so much.' I replied with a small sigh.
'Me too...' He paused, trailing off. 'You know, if you weren't so busy with homework, I'd say you could go somewhere and grab out your violin again.'

I gasped. Of course! I had been wanting to practise for a long time but I didn't know where to: if I practised in my dorm it would be too loud and distracting for others. Maybe I should go to the auditorium or the music school to practise.

'That's such an awesome idea Aaron! Thanks so much, really. Connecting with music again would definitely lift my spirits. I wish I could hear you play as well...'

'I'm sure that can be arranged,' He replied, and I could hear a grin spread across his face.

Oh, Aaron, I thought. I'm so lucky to have you.


The next day after classes, I brought my violin to the music school at Yale. After I unpacked, I stepped into the auditorium. It looked magnificent, with hundreds of seats and majestic balconies. I cautiously played a note - it rang throughout the auditorium and I was shocked by how good the acoustics were.

After warming up, I played some of Bach's sonatas and partitas for solo violin. I was engrossed in the music, hearing every note ring out loud and crystal-clear, then slowly dissipate into my surroundings. The music gave me wings, and I soared with the beautiful melodies.

I played piece after piece, and I loved every second of the Bach. Despite its sombre and solemn mood, I felt my spirits lift and I felt a euphoria for the first time in weeks.

'Hello?' A male voice inside the auditorium startled me. The note I was playing trailed off and disappeared into the back of the hall.

It took my eyes a few seconds to adjust to a lone figure standing in the audience. My heart dropped at the thought of a stranger sharing my most intimate moments playing violin.

'Who is it?' I asked timidly.

A tall, lean dude stepped into the lighting. His sleek blond hair was brushed back, his blue eyes twinkled and he wore a smirk on his face. He reminded me of the guy I hated most back in high school.

'Hi, I'm Jacob, I'm a sophomore here. Are you a freshman?'

'Yeah, I am. How did you know?' I asked cautiously.

'I guessed, 'cuz I'd never seen you around the music center before.' He replied.

'Well, my name's—' I began, but he cut me off.

'Olivia, I know. I walked past your violin case and saw,' He said smugly.

'Actually, people call me Liv,' I retorted defensively. 'Why didn't you knock coming in here, may I ask?'

'Oh, I'm sorry, Liv. I didn't want to disturb your playing, and you seemed so...focused. It was—not bad, not bad...' He replied with a hint of sarcasm.

I put my violin down, frustrated. My anger flared. Who did this guy—Jacob—think he was? Just because he was a year older than me, didn't mean he had the right to be so rude and arrogant! I sped to my violin case, walking straight past him on the way. I kept my head high, looking straight ahead.

'Well, if you say my playing was "not bad", how's yours? Do you play any instruments?' I asked hotly as I packed my violin.

'Yes, I do actually,' He responded, apparently unaffected or unaware of how angry I felt. 'I play in the jazz band. The saxophone's my strong suite.'

'Oh, of course: a brass player.' I snorted, grinning inside from what sounded like a decent comeback.

'I'm sorry, what?' He sputtered indignantly.

'Nothing,' I smiled, carrying my instrument and walking out as fast as my legs could carry me.

'Hey!' Jacob yelled as he began to chase after me, but I was long gone by then.

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