"So that's why the five of them would always give me those hostel looks?"

She laughed. "Yes. All five of them are very very very over protective of her. She is like a little sister to all five of them, she always has been, right from the day that she arrived here. And they are also all to be openly assigned as some of her guardians when she is crowned as a princess. Also when she is crowned as a princess I will be openly known as the head of her Royal Guardian Corp. Until then, she is still our top priority, but our jobs here at the academy are our cover and secondary priority."

'I knew that Abe would not let Roza go around without being guarded and without having guardians.' I thought to myself triumphantly.

"Is it possible for me to be assigned to her as well?"

"As a princess, or when she becomes queen?"

"As soon as 'humanly' possible without going back in time. No matter how badly that I wish that I could do that while retaining this new knowledge."

She laughed.

"Well, she has needed another four guardians until she becomes queen, and then she will need an entire elite fleet as you know. Which she isn't going to and doesn't like at all. So I don't foresee a problem with you becoming one of her guardians, most likely her nearest guard. As long as you are absolutely sure. Maybe you can even get her not to argue against having more guardians after we leave here after graduation."

"Oh, I am most defiantly sure. And I will do my best to persuade her I promise." I answered with a huge smile on my face.

She laughed again.

"All right then, you're hired and thank you for that. Now, we just need to find three others that she will be comfortable with and around. Ones that we absolutely know that we can trust her with, as much as we do with ourselves and each other."

"Yeah, that's going to be difficult. Finding someone that I trust with her as much as I trust you and me."

"It sure is son, it sure is." Alberta agreed with me as she patted me on the arm.

"Thank you, Alberta. Thank all of you so much for looking after, taking care of and protecting her. I will never be able to repay any of you for that."

"We all love her very much Dimitri, we always have. Don't ever forget that, it just might just keep you safe someday as well." She laughed again.

"I won't, and don't worry, she is my top priority from here on out. Just as she should have always been, I give all of you my word on that."

She patted me on the shoulder this time and said, "that's good. Good luck, Dimitri."

"Thank you, I am afraid that I am going to need it. Oh, I don't know if I should ask this or not but I'm going to anyway. Is there any way possible that you can assign Roza and I to the same room at the ski lodge?"

She smirked smugly. "I already have, I was hoping that if you did not come to your senses before then. That the two of you having to room together would knock some sense into you."

My face split again. "Thank you, Alberta, thank you soooo much for everything."

"Of course, you just take very good care of my little girl Dimitri."

"With my very life Alberta, with my very life and for the rest of my life."


She walked away with a little extra pep in her step. Which I imagine came because she had thankfully been able to talk some sense into me as well as being able to pull my head out of my ass for me.

'Thank you, God, above for Alberta Petrova.' I thought to myself with a silent prayer and a chuckle.

Taking another deep breath, I raised my hand to knock on the door to my Roza's room.

Knock... Knock... Knock.

It took a few moments before my Roza opened her door. And when she did, I could see the red in and around her eyes and how red puffy and swollen her nose and eyes were from crying.

Which was all evidence of her broken heart and it all made me even more yeblya furious with myself. Chert, I wanted to kick my own zhopa when I saw just how hurt that she was. I just had to hope that I can mend her poor little broken heart before I leave this room. Or before she just beats me to death, which I whole heartedly deserve. (fucking, damn, ass)

"Guardian Belikov, what can I do for you, sir?"

I couldn't help but flinch at her cold words and attitude as they, deservedly so, cut froze and hurt me to the quick. I mean o, chert voz'mi they really hurt!! It felt like she had actually just, deservedly so, slapped me right in the face while staking me in the heart with one of my own stakes at the very same time. But I really do deserve that and sooo yeblya much more after the way that I have treated and acted towards, around and with her since day yeblya one. (oh fucking hell, fucking, fucking) 

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