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I sat shaking back and forth. Remus was rubbing my back slightly trying to comfort me, but he and I both knew that I was beyond saving. Scenes flew through my head flashbacks bringing me to this crushing moment.

   " ' What am I to do Sirius?' I asked scared for our baby. 'I have an idea, but you two won't enjoy it," Lily spoke from where she sat in James arms. Sirius and I listened eagerly as she explained her idea. 'Should we..... should we do it?' I asked my husband after a moments thought, ' Can we even pull it off?' Sirius looked down at me, ' I think it is the only way to save him and I know you. You would do anything to keep the ones you love safe.' "
" I sat with Sirius as we both looked down at our beautiful baby boy. We only had a few minutes with him so we were using them wisely. 'He looks like he has your wild hair,' I commented looking at the tuffs of black hair sprouting from his head.

'He has your eyes thank god,' Sirius spoke gently running a finger through the sleeping boys hair. I nodded if he didn't our plan definetly woulfn't work.
' I wonder if he has my eyesight too,' I voiced curiously. '
Wait you have bad eyesight?' he asked. I smiled and nodded ,'contacts.' Tears filled my eyes as my sister and her husband entered the room.
'It's time honey,' Sirius spoke just as saddened. Lily smiled sadly at us, and I gently passed her my baby boy.
' We will keep him safe,' James promised. I pulled out my wand and uttered the spell. Now it was complete."
   " 'It was that rat that dirty rat!' Sirius yelled pacing around the room. I was curled up in a ball under the blankets with a small doll in my arms. Lily's doll. Just thinking about my sister and her husband's horrible fate made me tear up all over again.
'I am going after him!' Sirius exclaimed stopping and turning towards the door.
'Sirius wait!' I exclaimed, 'I just lost my sister I can't loose you too!' '
He threatened the life of our son! He has to pay!' he replied storming out the door. I curled up into a ball and cried."

"Mass Murder Sirius Black behind bars for life!" the reporter informed. I sniffled and curled back into Remus.

"It is just me and you now," I spoke my voice was broken from crying. A sharp knock was heard at the door and Remus reluctantly rose to answer it.

"Hello Remus I suspected I would see you here," Dumbledore's voice drifted from the entry hall of the small cottage, Sirius and I's cottage.

"Is Harry ok?!?" I asked imediatly scared for the boy's safety.

Dumbledore nodded, "He was sent to Petunia's as Voldemort would target him more if he was here." I nodded saddened slightly, but I knew that was how it must be.

"I am here for another reason though," he turned to me, "I would like to offer you a full-time job at Hogwarts as the first school counselor." I looked up at him shocked before nodding....... Hogwarts here I come.

LAST CHAPTER!!!!!!!! Man guys I am so proud of myself for actually finishing a book.... Did I do ok? Are ya'll going to read the sequel if I post it?

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