Leaving for Hogwarts

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I woke up before the sun had even started to rise. I had learned a lot about Sirius in our first night of knowing each other. He had told me all about his family. His family.... they were stereotypical purebloods. They hate muggle-borns, and every single member of the family was in the house of Salazar Slytherin. That is of course except Sirius. Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor, and now, 5 years later, his family still acted like he didn't exist. It was almost as bad as my family situation.... not really but..... He had not forgotten to tell me all about his friends and I mean ALL. He explained James's stupidly hilarious sense of humor, and Remus's father-like responsibility. Though I spoke little of myself, I did tell him a few things such as my favorite color. It is purple in case you care. Sirius and I both agreed that I would stay a cat during all my time at Hogwarts except for when we were alone in the dorms. If everything went smoothly no one, but the Marauders, would know i existed. I quietly jumped out of the bed landing silently on my paws and shifting on impact. Once i was on two legs again, I shuffled over to where my purple bag sat in the corner and dug around in it for a moment. I was startled when I heard a groggy voice behind me ask, "What are you looking for?" I didn't reply, but instead held up my newly found purple hairbrush. Sirius nodded and silently headed into his closet while I occupied the bathroom to ready myself for the day. It didn't take me long and soon I emerged from the bathroom wearing~        .   Sirius was finishing up the last of his packing, and after he placed my purple bag in his trunk we were good to go. "Reggie it is time to go!" we heard his mother scream up the stairs. I took that as my time to shift, so I did and hopped up on his trunk. I rode on his trunk down the stairs and to his fireplace where the family stood waiting. Nobody bothered to acknowledge each other, and Sirius's family flooed to King's Cross without him. He didn't seem bothered and instead stepped forward to grab a handful of powder. "King's Cross!' He said clearly holding tightly to me and the trunk. When we popped out of the fireplace we were in a very busy atmosphere. There were muggles and wizards alike rushing everywhere to get to their destinations on time. Sirius took no time going straight to the entrance of the platform 9 and 3 fourths. Once we were on the platform I rode on his shoulder because his trunk was stored with the other luggage. We found an empty compartment and waited for the rest of the Marauders. "You will love them I promise... and I know that they will love you too." Sirius sensed my nervousness. I mew quietly in response, and he seemed to accept it. We then fell into a short silence that did not last long, because a young boy soon entered the compartment. "Siribaby how I have missed you so!" the boy exclaimed dramatically. He was the dark shaggy haired boy with glasses from the store, and his dramatic exclamation told me that he was James Potter. " I missed you too Jameson!" Sirius said with just as much enthusiasm. The two boys embraced and pretended to wipe away fake tears. I was busting out laughing which came out as weird like breaths. "Siri did you get a cat?" James said noticing my presence. "Well I was hoping that we could keep her we just have to convince dad," Sirius said mischievously. Remus had impeccable timing and chose that moment to enter the compartment. "You got a cat?!?" He asked in an almost confused voice. I wonder why. (AN~ she doesn't know about furry lil prob or illegal animagi) "Well I was hoping you would let me keep her.... Please! I promise to be a good boy and at least wait a week before getting a detention!" Remus just sighed and nodded, "What is her name?" "Ya Siri what is her name??" James butted in suddenly curious. "Aurora.." He replied and I stood up looking at them slightly. They sat down and we were soon joined by the last marauder, peter, though he didn't contribute much to the conversation. And just like that we were off. Off to Hogwarts, and quite possibly a better life.

Author's Note~~ Aurora is a year older than The Marauders and so is Petunia Lily's older sister.

Just his petWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt