Doing my waiting

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When six o'clock rolled around Sirius and I made our way down to Dumbledore's office. There he would tell us what we had to do. "I wonder what Dumbledore will have us do," I spoke looking towards Sirius. Sirius had served many more detentions than I had. I had never served any. I was shy in my first year so I kept my love for pranking to myself. I was a goody-goody because I was afraid I would be kicked out of the wonderful world I had become a part of. "He will probably have us do something kind of boring, but not necessarily unpleasant," Sirius answered as we approached the gargoyle. "Earwax," I said giving Dumbledore's abnormal password. Well abnormal for him. Sirius and I trudged up the stairs in silence. "Hello it is nice to see you," Dumbledore greeted, " Tonight you will be doing Argus's early rounds of the castle for him. He will tell you what to do." Sirius looked at me excited. This would actually be fun. "Thanks Dumbles!" I exclaimed before following Sirius back downstairs to the awaiting Argus Filch. "You will walk the entire school check thoroughly near entrances to the dorms and kitchens," He said before walking off. Man was he specific. "So why don't you tell me about your life before you came to Hogwarts?" Sirius suggested as we started our round of the castle. I nodded,"Ok. Well lets start with the basics. You may not know this, but I have a twin sister, Petunia. We were close, but never as close as Lily and I. This is because Petunia saw her as more of a whiny baby, while I saw her as a cool creative kid. Also Tunia and I didn't share many interests. She was a prim and proper girl while I was more of a rough and tough. Lily kinda balances us out. It was a big surprise when I showed signs of magic, but each time my parents passed it off as internal craziness or some other excuse. Let me tell you about my parents. They were some of the best people. (AN I'M SORRY IDK LILY"S PARENTS NAMES SO I MADE SOME UP.....IF YOU HAPPEN TO KNOW THE ACTUAL NAMES PLEASE TELL ME SO I CAN FIX IT) Lily is the spitting image of our mother while Petunia takes from our father. I have a bit of both. Now my mother, Susana Elizabeth, is one of the sweetest ladies ever. She was always supportive of anything I enjoyed, and encouraged anything I seemed to like. She was also very creative. She painted alot. Something else about me you don't know, I love to paint. My father, Gregory John, was patient like my mother, but he was very funny. I have him to thank for my love of sarcasm and pranking. If you can't tell I am a big daddies girl while Petunia and Lily were closer to my mother. My father and I would always pull the best pranks on our family. I miss them so much." I finished my rambling looking down sadly. By now we had patrolled a quarter of the school. "It is going to be ok Aury I promise you I will make sure you see them again," He said fiercely passionate. I don't know why but I was suddenly filled with the urge to kiss him. Me being as stupid as I am that is exactly what I did.

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