The Painting

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I had just put some brownies in the oven when we sat around the fire to play a game of truth or dare. Sirius went first daring Lily to sit in James's lap for the rest of the game. Lily blushed but did as he had dared. She then turned to me. I chose to be safe and choose truth causing her to glare at me. "Just playing it safe!" I laughed. Lily thought for a moment on what to ask. "You remeber that time you colored on the wall and blamed it on me? What caused you to do that?" She asked. I looked at her for a moment before bursting into laughter. "Petunia dared me," I replied finally. The answer satisfyied Lily, but the boys were both very confused. I just shook my head and turned to James who like me played it safe. I thought for a moment before asking," Do you want to have kids?" James didn't think before nodding. I smiled as did Lily. James turned back to Sirius who unlike us chose dare. James went with the cliche you have to kiss her. Sirius and I both shurgged and kissed before sitting back down. Lily and James both looked at us shocked. I busted out laughing along with Sirius. "Lilyflower I am confused," James spoke like a child. Lily looked just as confused. Sirius and I just smirked. Before any more questions could be asked a timer went off telling me that my chocalatey creation was finished. I jumped up and they watched as I made my way to the oven. I quickly pulled out the steaming pan using magic, because I honestly was too lazy to find a potholder. "They have to cool for five minutes," I informed retaking my seat. We sat in silence for a moment each of us wondering what to do. I was suddenly struck with a story. Lily saw the look in my eyes and knew that if I didn't write down what I had thought I would forget. "Accio journal!" I called pointing my wand towards my room. Soon a light purple journal came hurtling towards me and I quickly caught it. I have always been a writer, but for some reason I just had not written as much, but when I had these "Thoughts" I had to write them down. They were kind of like visions, but not really. I usually didn't reread what I wrote, but something told me I had to write them down. So, I did. I sat scribbling away madly, meanwhile Lily was explaining my "Thoughts" to the boys. "She just has these random moments when she needs to write,and she will never let anyone read what she has written. Don't even ask." I quickly finished my writing and I realized the brownies were ready. I jumped up again and ran to cut them into biteable pieces. "Come get them," I stated sitting back down with my plate. Lily didn't complain, but groans of protest came from the guys. Eventually they realized they would have to get up if they wanted brownies, so they did. Soon after we finished our brownies we each retreated to our rooms. I sat for a moment before deciding that I was going to paint. I quickly set up my easel and grabbed a fresh canvas. I wasn't quite sure what I would be painting, so I just went with it. I was startled by the turn out. He looked like a mixture of either Sirius and I or James and Lily. In all honesty it freaked me out. The boy looked troubled and you could tell he had suffered great pain. I was scared by what I had painted, and how realistic it looked. I quickly placed the painting in the far end of my closet, and packed away my things. That night I layed in bed wondering.... Why did I paint that?

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