Meeting the Parents

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I woke up earlier than any of the boys on the day of the train ride with a combination of nerves and excitement. We would be spending a whole week and a half with the Potters and I was excited to say the least. I quickly dressed in ~ (HAS LILS OUTFIT TOO) . I gathered all of my stuff including Lily's doll and my pillow into my purple bag before heading down to the common room. I let the boys sleep because of how early it was. "Good morning Lils!" I greeted cheerfully. She was dressed up like I was except for she was a little more her style. I knew she would be nervous because everyone including her and James saw them as a couple. Technically it was still unofficial, but in my eyes they were dating. Sirius and I were as close as ever, and I knew that we would only get closer. He too was coming to the Potter's house. I looked at Lily's nice choice in outfit. I could tell she was nervous from the necklace she wore. I couldn't stop the flashback of the day I gave it to her from popping into my mind.

        "" The day was clear and bright with potential above a small two-story white house. Not a sound could be heard through the calming terrain unless of course you were on the front porch of the house. There stood two girls. The older of the two had long curling ebony hair and she held a look of determination and excitement. The younger girl had dark auburn hair and piercing green eyes that she shared with the older. "Aurora, Do you have to go? I will miss you so much!" the younger girl spoke her voice soft and filled with emotion. Aurora, the older girl, looked sadly down at the red-head, "Lily you know I love you so much, but I have to go.... I will miss you more than words can explain. This didn't seem to help the younger girl at all. The older girl seemed to remember something and made her way over to a mahogany trunk where she pulled out a green box. The box was the same color as the girls' eyes and had a velvety feel to it. "Go on open it!" Aurora urged to little Lily. Lily didn't waste anytime and was stunned to see a gold locket. "Did... Did you get this for me?" She asked her voice heavy with feeling. "I knew it would look beautiful on you. It has a picture of you and I in it , so that I never truly leave your side. Here let me put it on." The older girl reached for the locket nd gently snapped it into place around her sister's neck, where she was sure it would stay until her return.""

    I was shook out of the flashback by Lily. "Sorry Lils its just another flashback." I had been getting them more and more often. I had even had a few nightmares. I shook it off and told myself it was nothing to worry about as we boarded the train. The guys slept the whole ride, they were awake all night, while Lily and I read books. We talked occasionally, but it was more of a contently reading together ride. It ended too fast, and soon we were shaking our boys into consciousness. "Siri.. wake up we are here," I said softly. I was aware of Lily doing a similar thing to James. Once the two were awake we let them deal with Remus and Peter and goodbyes. Once people were awake and goodbyes were given the four of us walked out to the platform. I held my back pack on my back and a small muggle book to my chest as I follow James and Sirius who were carrying both their own trunks and Lily's. "You guys are so intelligent," I commented sarcastically pulling out my wand and levitating the heavy luggage. "Thank you Aury!" They both said together. They looked at each other weird before bursting out laughing. I shook my head along with Lily, but I could not help the smile that made its way onto my face. "James Charulus Potter and Sirius Orion Black come give me a hug!" A jokingly stern voice called. I looked up to see a witch with wavy strawberry blonde hair, and hazel eyes that her son had inherited. Next to her stood a man with the famous Potter hair that James and Sirius both seemed to have. Maybe Sirius really was her son. Both boys immediately hugged the lady exclaiming, "Mother!" She smiled and ruffled their hair. "Now don't be rude introduce your mother to the girls," Mr. Potter said though you could tell he was joking. "Of course!" James exclaimed. "This is Lily, and that is Aurora." "Which is whose?" Mr. Potter asked a smirk on his face. "Charles Potter!" James mother exclaimed slapping his arm. "I am sorry he is usually not that rude," she apologized. I shook my head, "No its fine." I smiled at the older man. "Well we mustn't linger. You girls need to get settled in." Lily blushed slightly and I nodded. We followed Mrs. Potter to a black car. "Lily is mine," I heard James quietly whisper. Sirius added," and Aurora is mine." to James' answer to his father's previous question. "Do one of you mind sitting in a lap?" Mrs. Potter asked awkwardly. It was clear that they had not thought of the amount of passengers when choosing to drive the small black car. "It will be a long ride I am sorry, but we should be there by sundown," She continued looking down at her watch. "Ill do it," I volunteered. I could easily transform into my kitty. I handed Mr. Potter my purple bag to put in the trunk and waited until everyone else was seated before silently transforming and hoping into Sirius's lap. "That is quite some skill, and convenient." Charles Potter commented. I mewed softly in thanks before curling up into Sirius's lap and falling asleep to his calming petting.

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