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~writing on my phone please excuse mistakes

Sirius and I were adjusting pretty well to married life. We lived together in a small cottage in Godric's Hallow. We had found it a nice little place to live. Only a month had passed since our wedding meaning it is late January in the new year. Voldemort's activity had risen greatly and today was the day that the order's planned attack was to happen.

The order had asked me and Sirius to help, but Lily and James were going to stay behind.

"Aurora, darling are you ready to go?" Sirius called up the stairs. We would be attacking Voldemort's known location, Malfoy Manor. I quickly dressed in ~ ~ before heading downstairs. Sirius laughed slightly at my choice in attire and pecked my lips slightly before becoming serious. (hehe)

"You know you could get hurt today and possibly die right?" Sirius asked his hands on my waist.

I nodded, "So could you." He gave me a look but pulled me into a hug. "I love you Aurora Black," he whispered.

"And I love you Sirius Black," I replied with just as much truth. He smiled slightly though you could see his pain, and took my hand apparating on the spot.

When we arrived we were standing infront of Malfoy Manor, and it appeared that we were not the first to arrive. You could hear spells and shouts whizzing everywhere. Sirius took off towards the Manor pulling me behind him.

We narrowly dodged killing curses as we made our way to the main room where we were told to meet Dumbledore. I was shocked to see Mr. Tom there and the little slimey Slytherin friend of my sister's.

Dumbledore was calmly talking to the pair and inbetween the two sat a shooken up Sybil Trewlawney. "I swear I was threatning you! I couldn't help it!" she wailed seemingly pleading with Voldemort.

"Sybil darling don't be ashamed all you have done is told a prophecy," Dumbledore spoke recieving a glare from the evil ones.

Snivellus then seemed to notice us. "My lord the two in the prophecy!" he exclaimed pointing at us. I looked up at Sirius questioningly. We were in a prophecy? Sirius didn't seemed to know anything as he just shrugged his shoulder's. Voldemort smiled evilly at me.

"Oh dear Aurora , how nice it is to see you! Three times three times you have defied me... just to find that in the end you will loose." he smirked.

I looked up at him determination in my eyes," Oh we will win Good always wins!" He laughed at this," You may win this battle but I promise that I will take everyone you love and I will tortue them until they beg for death, and then when you yourself beg for the same ending I will leave you all by yourself. You will then know that you are the only one to blame!".

I   was shaking in fear by the time he had finished. Did he know? Sirius quickly took me into his arms and we apparated back to our house. I immediatly broke down into tears.

"Aurora honey what is wrong?" he asked pulling my into his lap. I curled up into a ball.

"What if he knows Sirius! He will hurt him!"I exclaimed hysterically. Lily and James chose this perfect time to enter the room.

"Aurora what's wrong?" Lily asked rushing to my side.

I looked at her before turning to Sirius and whispering in a barely audible tone, "I'm pregnant, and there is no way he is going to let our son live."

So guys there will only be one or two more chapters left in this story but don't worry a sequel will be posted!

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