More Than You Could Ever Imagine

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Zayn giggled his adorable giggle and I made more faces, making him keep giggling. I laughed and sat in his lap. Zayn kissed my ear.

"I love you Nialler."

"I love you too Zaynie."

"School was boring today eh?"

"Ugh yes it was SO boring." I groaned. "In history today, oh my god. I almost died!"

"Well we wouldn't want that to happen would we?" Zayn asked, climbing on top of me.

"Apparently not!" I giggled. Zayn leaned in for a kiss and right as our lips were about to touch, he started to tickle me. I squirmed and thrashed around. I screamed and laughed. Zayn was laughing to.

"S-stop! That t-t-tickles! S-stop!! Z-za-zayn!" I could barely talk, I laughed so hard. Zayn fell down on top of me. I took deep breaths. Zayn kissed my neck.

"Love you." He murmured against my skin.

"And that's why you torture me?" I laughed. He pulled away from my neck and pecked me on the mouth.

"You love it." He giggled.

"Mhmm. Sure. But i do love YOU."

"That's all that matters to me."

"Aw you sap."

Zayn winked at me. "Come with me." He said, pulling me up.

"Where are we going?"

"I guess you'll just have to see."

"Okay." I entwined my fingers with his and we walked outside. We got into his car and he began to drive somewhere. He took something out of the console and handed it to me.

"Read this out loud."

"Um... Okay?" I opened it.

It was a book full of Zayn's handwriting.

"Things I want to do with Nialler. Aw Zaynie. Number one, kiss in the rain. Number two, watch a chick flick and eat popcorn. Number three, cuddle all day. Number four, tickle-fight. Well that already happened."

"Nope, that was unfair, i had you pinned down."

"So there's more tickling in the future?"

"I dunno!" Zayn replied in a singsong voice.

"Number five, watch movies all day. Number six, sing a song together. Number seven, eat as much food as possible and sleep the rest of the day. I like that one. Number eight, slow dance in the road at midnight. Number nine, do "it"." I looked at Zayn. His face was flushed. I kissed his cheek. "Me too. Number ten..." I scanned my eyes over it. I felt my eyes tear up. "Grow old together and die in each other's arms. Oh Zaynie... That's so sweet." I wiped my eyes and looked through the rest of the book. They were pictures of me. Drawings. Amazing drawings. Me sleeping, eating, smiling, crying, yelling, laughing. Me and Zayn kissing, snuggling, hugging, holding hands, us holding our hands up in the air and the sun shining brightly, and my favorite. A drawing of me and him with wrinkles and gray hair, in each other's arms, eyes closed, and flowers surrounding the bed. I felt tears flowing and I shut the book.

"I love you so much Zayn."

"I love everything about you Ni. More than you could ever imagine."

I smiled and rested my head on Zayn's arm. Zayn stopped the car somewhere. He got out and came around the side of the car. He opened my door and held out his hand. I took it and climbed out of the car. I took his face in my hands and stared at his beautiful face. We stared into each other's eyes. We both blushed after a minute and pressed our foreheads together. We always did that when we didn't know what to say. I leaned my head in closer to kiss him. He leaned back though.

"No kisses yet." He whispered, kissing my cheek. I groaned. He winked at me and went to the trunk of the car. He pulled out a basket and a blanket. He handed me the blanket and he led me somewhere. He told me to stop and close my eyes. I did as I was told. He took the blanket out of my arms. I heard shuffling around. Finally, Zayn put his hands over my eyes and led me over somewhere. He sat me down on something soft. He removed his hands and told me to open my eyes. In front of me was picnic, spaghetti and bread, and some treats for later. I looked around me and i realized we were under an overhang. Grass was everywhere and right next to me was my true love.

"You did all this? In only like five minutes?" I asked in shock.

"Do you like it? It's not much, but this is my favorite place to come to hang out." Zayn scratched the side of his face.

"I love it."

Zayn smiled and served me food.

"Dig in!" Zayn announced. I laughed and began eating my food.

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