Going Crazy

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I wanna thank everybody for voting, commenting and reading my story! I love you guys so much and I'm sooooo happy you like my story! -xx 


After getting my legs all "girly", I went and got a manicure. Seriously Dad? A fucking manicure?!  

After that lovely adventure, my nails were neon fucking PINK. The lady who did my nails said I was a very PRETTY young LADY. I'm about ready to rip my hair out.  

I was starting to feel very weird. My nails were painted, I was walking in heels, i was wearing makeup and a skirt. I hate this.  

"Niall I have a surprise for you," my dad told me when I climbed into the car.  

"Um... Okay?"  

My dad put a blindfold on me and drove somewhere. Then we got out and I entered a building. I was sat down in a chair and I heard my dad talking to someone.  

"September......... Okay go ahead." My dad said. I couldn't hear the other person. Somebody was messing with something next to me and then they put something cold on my ears.  

"What the hell?!" I yelled, yanking away from the person.  

"Sweetie sit still!" My dad said sternly.  

I sat still as the person messed with my ears. What was this person doing?! Suddenly, i heard two clicks.  

"Dad?" My voice trembled.  

"Yes sweetheart?"  

"Did I just get my ears pierced?"  

"Yeah! I know you've always wanted to get them pierced."  


My dad took off the blindfold and I looked in a mirror. I had small sapphires in my ears. Birthstone. Of course. I look like a girl.  

"Come on lets go." My dad grabbed my arm and shoved some money into a lady's hands. He dragged me out of the store as I stumbled and tripped over my own feet. Stupid heels.  

Once I got a little bit better at walking, I focused on where I was walking. I looked around and I saw a guy look over at me and wink.  

"Niall, that guy's winking at you, sweetie." My dad told me, obviously implying I do something about it.  

I blew a kiss to the guy and turned away. "Happy?"  

"Shut up fag." My dad growled.  

Ouch, that hurt.  

"If you keep sassing me, we might as well go home, get all your gay clothes out of your closet and burn them, then buy you some pretty girl clothes," my dad glared at me.  

"O-okay I-I'll stop..." Oh my god, he's seriously going crazy.  

"Good. Now, what's next?" He looked around.  

I sighed. This is going to be a looooong day...

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