You'll Be My Daughter

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"It's time for supper Nialler..." He towered over me. His fingers glided across my jaw.

"Dad s-stop..." I was scared now.

"Shhh..." He said softly. My eyes widened as he pulled out the small yet familiar pocketknife. His hand trailed down my arm and he grabbed my wrist. "We haven't done this for a while have we Nialler?" He examined my wrist, as if trying to fin the right spot.

"Dad... Please... Not again... Please..." I whimpered.

"Fine. I won't."

"Oh thank you so much Dad!" I felt relieved. I felt like hugging him.

"IF," Oh god. "You'll be my daughter." He smirked as he put away the knife. My stomach dropped.

"D-daughter?" I stuttered.

"Yup. You'll be my daughter."

"For how long?"

"No questions Nialler..."

"Okay..." I felt tears coming up.

"Now... Lets go get ready to go out. Have some father-daughter time eh?"

I gulped. "Uh sure..."

"Come with me. Your mother is out, so lets go to her makeup area..."

What?! "Okay..." I said sadly.

He dragged me into my mother's studio. He looked through all the makeup.

"Jesus! You know what all this stuff is don't you? You're gay after all."

"Uh yeah... Thats eyeliner, mascara, blush-"

"Okay we'll start with those." He picked up the makeup and began to work on my face. After a couple minutes, i looked in the mirror, i looked horrible. So he gave me a paper towel. I wiped it all off. He pushed all the makeup towards me.

"You do it if you're so good at it."

"Fine." I grabbed foundation and piled it on. Thats how my dad liked it. Sadly.

"Thats nice." My dad said. I mentally rolled my eyes.

I carefully put eyeliner on. I was afraid of getting it in my eyes. Of course, right when I thought that, i poked myself in the eye.

"OW! JESUS CHRIST! GOD!" My eyes watered.

"Hurry up. " My dad demanded. I put the rest of the eyeliner on and then the mascara. My dad put the blush on and the the eyeshadow. I looked over at the mirror and screamed.

"Shut up Niall."

"I look like... A girl!"

"Yeah, duh. You're supposed to. You are my DAUGHTER."

I sighed.

"Go get some girly clothes on."

"Oh my god..." I whispered. My dad was going crazy.

I walked towards my mom's dresser and found a tight skirt and a loose-ish flowy shirt.

I put them on and I immediately felt weird.

"Ah you look beautiful sweetheart. Go get some heels and we can go."

My eyes widened. My mom only had one pair of heels and they were from when she went out shopping and got them. They were meant for a teenage girl, not for a mother. They were black pumps. I slipped them on and stood up. My feet went everywhere and i almost fell over when I tried to walk. I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked like an eighteen year old girl. The tight black skirt made me look like i was terribly skinny.

"Well hello there." My dad said from behind me.

"Hi DAD." I reminded him that I was his freaking KID and his SON.

"Okay, first stop... You need to get that hair off your legs."


"Yup. Laser hair removal sweet-cheeks."


He pulled out the knife and rolled it around in his hands.

"Okay, okay, okay!" I stumbled towards the door and walked out to the car. I climbed in the passenger seat. As I waited for Dad, I whispered to myself, "I hate my life..."

"Okay, lets go." My dad said, climbing into the car.

Someone help me. Please.

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