We Never Wanted You

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"I hope we have a girl!" Maura squealed happily. Maura's husband Bobby nodded.


"Could you put the results into an envelope so we can find out the gender with our family?" Maura asked.

"Sure! No problem!" The nurse said. She took care of everything and put pictures in an envelope. She filled in a short description/info paper and handed it to the happy couple. She smiled and said goodbye, leaving the room.

But what they didn't know, was that when that nurse was putting those ultrasound pictures in that Manila envelope, she had accidentally swapped pictures with another family's baby photos. Now, the pictures showed a baby girl inside of the mother, while she was actually carrying a little boy.


"ITS A GIRL!!!" Bobby announced. The couple was overjoyed, not knowing what lie ahead.


"What?!" Bobby screamed. He was told about the new baby and he was furious. He had wanted a girl, someone who he could cuddle and protect, not a boy.

On the other hand, Maura was just happy that the baby was safe and she was more worried about the baby's health, not the gender. Since Bobby was too angry about the baby, Maura decided to name him. She ended up naming him Niall and she was instantly in love with the child.


On Niall's fifth birthday, he didn't have a birthday party and he claimed that they were too "childish". Instead, Niall stayed home and opened gifts with his best friend Louis. He never noticed that his father always looked at him with disapproval and hatred in his eyes and he didn't even bother getting him a gift. This year, Bobby went over the edge. He dragged Niall by the hair into the bathroom and slammed him against the wall. "WE NEVER WANTED YOU! You should just... die!!" He screamed.

Nialls eyes filled with tears. Even though he didn't understand, he was still scared of being yelled at. Bobby pulled out a small knife and made a slit across Niall's wrist. The red liquid flowed out and Niall screamed in pain. "DADDY STOP!!!" He screamed. Bobby clapped a hand over Niall's mouth.

"Don't tell anyone! Or else." Bobby snapped, then ran out of the room and Niall sunk down on the floor. Niall's door flew open and there was Louis. Louis ran to his side and hugged Niall. He grabbed the roll of toilet paper and wrapped it around Niall's small wrist and smiled at him.

"It's gonna be okay Niall. I'm here now." Louis comforted Niall.

"Please, go get my mum... Not my dad, my mum... Please Louis." Niall moaned in pain. Louis nodded and ran downstairs. He came back with Maura and she ran to Niall's side. Tears rolled down Niall's face and Louis was crying too. Maura picked Niall up and rushed him to the hospital, Louis in tow. Niall was asked many questions and he lied to the doctors because of what his dad told him. "Don't tell anyone! Or else." Niall was told how to bandage the wound if he "scratched himself" again. Niall, Louis, and Maura went home to finish Niall's fifth birthday celebration.


This slicing of Niall's arms continued for years. Once a week, sometimes even twice a week. Niall had become a pro at bandaging the wounds. His mum thought he was just clumsy, but only Niall and Louis knew the truth. Louis had stayed best friends with Niall, and they had been through almost everything together. Fights, the cutting, and endless bullying. Niall was bullied everyday, and Louis was almost never bullied. Niall was bullied by the same crowd, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, and the gorgeous Zayn Malik. The reason Niall was bullied was because he was gay. Niall had a bit of a problem. The reason Niall was gay was because of Zayn. Niall had had a huge crush on Zayn for years now. His hair, his eyes, his eyelashes- Niall loved everything about Zayn, except for the fact that Zayn bullied him.


Niall woke up and ran his hands up his sliced arms. He felt every cut and scar on his arm. He was 18 and this was still happening every week. The only reason why Niall dragged himself out of bed was because of the beautiful boy at his school. Zayn Malik. He threw on some clothes and got ready for school. He trudged down the road and walked into the schoolyard. Niall saw Zayn leaning up against the gates smoking a cigarette and Niall's stomach flipped. His face flushed and he walked past Zayn with his head down.

Zayn stared at the blonde boy walking past him and he stuck his foot out, tripping the boy. Niall fell down, his hands getting scraped up on the sidewalk. Zayn kicked him in the stomach and laughed. Niall groaned and tried to stand up. Zayn kicked him again and Niall fell to the ground once again. Zayn crouched down and whispered in Niall's ear, "What a fag." Niall's eyes filled with tears as Zayn told him this. All he wanted was to fit in, but that wasn't happening. Zayn walked away smirking.

Niall's POV

I pulled myself off of the ground and trudged my way to my locker. I saw Zayn standing by my locker and he was staring at me and smirking.

"Hey babes." He teased. I opened my locker and ignored him, feeling my face flush. "I was talking to you Horan." He snapped. I grabbed my stuff out of my locker quickly and locked it. I walked away from Zayn and he ran after me. He grabbed my free wrist and twisted it, his hand clenched around my cuts. He yanked me around and I yelped out in pain and fell to the floor, dropping my books. He still held my arm and I reached up with my other hand and wrapped it around my wrist that was stinging and burning. I saw my fresh cut from yesterday opening and the blood ran down my arm.

"Oh my god..." Zayn whispered.

"Please... Let go of me..." I cried, my vision blurring. He set my hand down and he picked up my books. He reached a hand down and I flinched away.

"Shh... It's okay Niall... I won't hurt you anymore..." He murmured softly, his voice wavering, taking my hand and helping me stand up. I stood up and immediately fell. Zayn caught me in his free arm and he stood me back up, his arm still around my waist. He stared at my face with an expression I had never seen on him before. Was he... Worried? I felt my eyes flutter close and blackness took over once again.

Daddy's Little "Girl"Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat