Chapter VII

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Striking off the tomatoes in the list, Taehyung continued walking in the middle of the bustling market with the sun blazing high

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Striking off the tomatoes in the list, Taehyung continued walking in the middle of the bustling market with the sun blazing high. There was only Eggs remaining on the list, so he dragged himself, tired from carrying the heavy bags filled with veggies and meat.

It was kind of fishy when Heechul-ssi told him to take a day off and not come to the cafe earlier today. Seems like he had ulterior motives.

The brunet walked past a ice cream parlour, as kids hurdled in front of it demanding different flavours of ice cream. Dad, I want a strawberry ice cream. Now. His mind replayed his own voice. A murderer's voice.

Suddenly, the heat became unbearable, choking him as if he was on short of air. He rushed from there not really seeing where he was going. All he wanted to get out of there. I just want to escape, his vulnerable self thought.

His hurried steps came to a halt when Taehyung bumped into someone. He looked back as his breathe was still uneven, when he saw an old grandma on the street. His eyes widened realizing his mistake that he had bumped into her making her fall. At once, he ran to her, helping her get up on her feet while he held her grocery bag.

"Are you alright, grandma? I'm sorry, I wasn't really watching where I was going.", he said as he sick worried about her.

"Don't worry, boy. I am alright."

The grandma said as she weakly smiled at him. Oddly, her smiled reminded him of Yoongi's. Oh Godd... Am I out of my mind?

"But you don't look alright to me.", he said as he saw her struggling to breathe.

"Oh dear, its just the heat."

Taehyung looked around and found a bench and made her sit so that she could regain her composure. He told her to wait for him and rushed to somewhere. Upon his arrival, the grandma looked bit better.

"Here.", he said while giving her an ice cream.

She took it gladly and looked at him in question.

"What about you, dear? Aren't you gonna have one."

He kept silent for a bit before speaking up again.

"I just don't like ice creams."


"Who's this young man?"

"Ohh. He's Taehyung. He's around the same age as our boy."

Grandma introduced Taehyung to her husband while the boy stood awkwardly between the old couple. He was still feeling guilty about what happened at the market and offered grandma to take her home - since he had his bicycle with him.

Strangely, the way to here looked pretty familiar - same streets, same buildings, same signboards and they even passed by Kim's Diner.

Taehyung sat on one of the sofas as grandpa sat beside him, having random conversations with him. Grandma had disappeared and came out - with a cooking apron on - when the bell rang.

"That must be our boy. You should stay and have dinner with us."

Before the brunet could deny the offer made by grandpa, the new visitor caught my attention. Well, he wasn't exactly new to him.

"Yo, what the f-", Yoongi bit his tongue mid-sentence.

“I mean... What are you doing here?”

"I can ask you the same, you know.", I said as I was shocked and surprised at the same time.

"Cuz I live here, duh."

"And I'm here cuz I....I"

"He's here because I invited him over.", it was a relief that grandma resolved the confusion.

"Looks like you two already know each other.", said grandpa merrily.

"Yeahh... he's the owner of the cafe where I bring your favourite pineapple pastries from."

Yoongi said as he raised his hand holding the bag of Beans n' Cream. He had gone there before coming home.

Did he notice that I wasn't there. Or was he too engrossed debating whether the earth is actually hollow with Hoseok and Aerin, Taehyung wondered.

He stood there in middle of the small family. He saw their little chatters and smiles. And somewhere it made him feel like he was an intrusion. I don't belong here.

"I should probably leave now.", Taehyung said as they turned towards him with an expression as if he spoke alien.

"You ain't leaving my house on an empty stomach. Let's have dinner together."

Yoongi held him by his shoulders and pushed him to the table. He didn't wanted to be a nuisance and surrendered to their request. After a hearty dinner, he walked back along with his bicycle.

Taehyung could have just rode it back home but Yoongi had to throw the garbage nearby so he thought he should accompany him as a courtesy.

Taehyung found himself going too fast and ahead when Yoongi called out his name and he saw him walking behind him.

"Thanks for today."

Taehyung looked at him in confusion. Yoongi just smiled.

"For helping granny today. She told me."

"There's nothing to thank about. And it was my fault anyways."

"Still... I should show my gratitude."

At that moment, Taehyung realised how different Yoongi was from him. Not that he didn't know before, it just hit him now. He didn't hesitate expressing himself. Just like Jungkook. They both smile a lot. Say whatever they want to say. Express emotions they feel. 

Whereas he was just like a statue. Quiet. Emotionless. Guess he was too tired to show any.

"Thanks... for the dinner. It was really good. Better than Heechul-ssi's", he said as he walked matching his footsteps along with Yoongi's.

"You should visit us more then."

"Nahhh... I don't want to be a bother."

"Come on, a friend is never a bother. In fact granny and grandpa liked your company."

Taehyung was surprised when Yoongi suddenly hit him on his shoulders. But something else was even more surprising.


"Yeahh. Friends. You, Aerin, Hoseok and I. I didn't wanted to tell you this but I was kind of disappointed when I didn't see you at the cafe.", Yoongi said lazily yet he knew he wasn't joking.

"Explains why you keep coming to the cafe.", said Taehyung.

"Partially. It was actually Aerin who recommended us to your cafe."

They reached Kim's Diner without even realizing. Yoongi waved him goodbye and waited for Taehyung to get on his bike and go. And he would have. Just gone without any last glance. Gone without any words. But now.... he didn't.

"See you tomorrow, Yoongi!"

A/n: I like how the Yoongi and Taehyung are getting comfortable around each other (◡ ω ◡)

P.s. I love grocery shopping as long as I get to buy my fabb snacks :))

Dun forget to twinkle that lil star 🌟

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