Princess Emma

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Snow's POV
I have given birth to a beautiful baby girl, Princess Emma
'You are my world my darling'
'What a wonderful world I see'
'You are the song I'm singing'
'You're my beautiful EMMA!'
Then Charming walks in...
'Darling we better be going'
'Look at her isn't she glowing?'
'She looks Devine and you look exquisite but look at the time.'
We head off to present the princess to our kingdom
12 years later,
Emma was now close to being a teenager. In just six years she'll be getting married.

Charming's POV
Today we introduced Baelfire to Emma. She may be 12, but it's good for her to meet her new friend, she would learn he's her future husband on her eighteenth birthday He is the son of Rumplestiltskin and Ms Milah.
"Emma, this is Baelfire. He will be your friend." I say
"And your fiancé." Rumple said.
Hell, I was hoping he wouldn't say that.
"What?!" Emma asked in shock
"You will marry him when you are 17 years old." Rumple said.
Emma looked at Bae and then at Rumple and back at Bae with open eyes and jaw dropped mouth.
"I don't think so." She said and stormed off.

Emma mustn't know that we made a deal with Rumplestiskin that his son would marry our daughter to be the new king of the Enchanted Forest. We had no choice. He threatened us, when we made the deal he said, "If your daughter doesn't marry my son, then I'll kill her and be king myself."
We couldn't let our daughter die, so I agreed.
Emma must never know

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