
              "What's the country like I've never really been to a place that wasn't a big or small city?" Chrissie asked curiously."

              Anna let out a deep breath. "Chrissie it's beautiful, so calm and quiet. I took a ride to day on one of the horses, Cupid and it the land was covered in hills and trees. People talk about the Montana sky, but they do not do it justice. It's not beautiful it's breathtaking, gorgeous..." She paused getting a little emotional. "It reminds me of home all of the open land that no one has had a chance to turn into a busy city."

              "Wow Anna it sounds amazing and beautiful just like you said. I am most definitely going to have to come for a visit and get myself a cowboy." Chrissie said jokingly about the cowboy part.

              That was why she loved Chrissie; she could turn anything into a joking matter. "Maybe you should come and visit. The cowboys her are some of the finest you will ever find." She said seriously with a hint of amusement.

              Just then there was a knock on Anna's door. "Hey, Chrissie I'm going to have to call you back later there's someone at my door waiting to talk to me."

             Chrissie sounded a little bummed when she spoke. "Okay just call back so that we can continue our conversation."

              "Of course I will."

              "Bye, girly."

              "Bye, Chrissie." Anna quickly ended the phone call and began to walk to the door after she'd got off the bed. She turned the nob praying that it wasn't Brent on the other side.


              Brent got back to the barn shortly after Anna had taken care of Cupid. Quickly Brent put Maverick up in the barn and then he went back to the house.

              Cassie was waiting for him when he entered the house. "Big brother what exactly did you do to her?" She got no response. "She is locked in her room talking to someone on the phone. I swear if she's making plans to leave then I am going to be pissed. She is one of the best things that has ever happened to you."

              "How is she the best thing that has ever happened to me?" Brent asked.

              "She is stubborn enough to handle your grumpy backside, sweet enough to be able to love you, and do so for the rest of your life. Plus there is an attraction between the two of you I can see it and I know that you know it's there." Cassie paused. "Now go apologize for being an ass today."

              "You don't need to tell me what do Cassie. I was already planning on saying sorry I just wanted to make sure she'd cooled off some first." With that he walked out of the living room and to the staircase.

              Brent stood in front of the door to Anna's room. He could hear her talking to someone on the phone talking about Montana. She was saying how it was such a beautiful place and how what people say about the Montana sky doesn't do it justice.

              Pride shot through him. She loved his home and his land. Maybe Cassie was right about her. Maybe she was the best thing that could have ever happened to him. Hearing her saying all that stuff gave him the courage to knock on her door. At first he hesitated for a couple of seconds but then he knocked.

              He could hear her saying goodbye to whoever she was talking to. Then he heard the faint noise of sheets rustling as if she was getting of her bed and then he heard her walking towards the door.

              The door knob twisted slightly at first and then all the way. The door opened and Anna was standing there. She looked beautiful to Brent. The light in her room cast a glow around her, making her look like an angel standing before him.

              "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier." He said nervously as he shuffled his feet.

              Anna looked like she was mildly surprised by his apology. "I accept your apology and I have one too give you."

              "You don't have to do that."

              "Oh, but I do. The arguments weren't completely your fault. I admit at times my temper can be a little short. So I am sorry for the way I acted earlier as well."

              Things between them became tense for a moment while the attraction between them sparked and fizzled. Brent couldn't help it anymore he moved closer to her and put his hands on her waist and then he pulled her even closer. His voice was husky when he spoke. "Apology accepted."

              Anna couldn't move just stare into his eyes. She was frozen in place. There was a part of her that wanted him to bridge the distance between their mouths and kiss her senseless. The other part told her that she couldn't his moods swung too much. One minute hot the next cold.

              She was stunned when Brent lowered his mouth to hers. His mouth slanted over hers lightly at first. Anna opened her mouth as if she was going to protest but then she stuck her tongue out to meet his halfway. Then it became more urgent and hungry. By the time Anna pulled away they were both out of breath. It was the best kiss either of them had ever had.

              Anna pulled out of Brent's grasp. "Wh-what was that about?" She didn't even wait for a response from him. She was so stunned that she turned around and locked herself in her room. Anna leaned against her door and pressed her fingers to her mouth. One word escaped them, "Wow!"

              Not once in her life had Anna ever been kissed like that. It had felt so perfect, she'd never felt like that after a kiss. There was one thing Anna knew and she knew that she was more attracted to Brent then she had ever been to another person in her whole life.

              That night both Anna and Brent laid awake not able to think about anything other than the amazing kiss they'd shared. In the morning they'd have to face each other and talk about the attraction they shared. But for that one night they could just think about that one kiss and nothing more.


So that kiss...

I know this chapter is short but I hope you like it. I think the song on the side is fitting for this chapter, Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not by Thompson Square. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! Please comment and vote if you did!

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