Chapter Thirty

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As I obeyed, he slid off the bed and walked over to me. He was holding a long thin black box that had a blood red bow on the top. I swallowed thickly. "What's that?" I asked breathlessly.

"You'll see." Is all he said in response.

I sat back on my haunches and placed my hands flat on my bare thighs, palms down. I arched my back as he continued to scrutinize me with that penetrable gaze of his. I read all of his promises there, and I could hardly stand the wait.

Finally, after several minutes of agony, he set the box down in front of me. "Open it." He ordered roughly, walking around me until he no longer occupied my line of vision.

I eyed the ominous box for all of a second before I reached for it. At the same moment, I felt him kneel behind me and press his body into the lines of my back. I went to arch into him, but his hands came down on my shoulders lightly, stopping me short. I felt the change in him with that minimal contact. He was going into full on dom mode.

Gulping with a heavy dose of arousal and trepidation, I pulled the lid off the box. My breath hitched at the sight of the riding crop resting beautifully in the case, surrounded by purple satin. The crop was solid black, with leather bound at the end in a rounded flat strap. There were small jewels lining the edges of the strap and they gleamed silver in the soft glow of the lamp light.

I picked up the crop with trembling fingers to examine it further. The handle had intricate designs on it, molded to fit the hand of a masculine dom. Upon closer inspection, I found an engraving on the shaft of the crop. Darling, it read.

My nipples hardened at the sight, and my breath began panting out of me. Suddenly Draven's hands felt heavy on my shoulders, and I was more desperate than ever for more.

"Please." I said in a quiet but needy voice.

"Look back in the box."

I did, finding silver studded nipple clamps cradled in the satin. They were attached with a silver chain that drooped heavily between my fingers.

"I know that I've only used my hands and teeth on you so far, but I'm positive that you're suited for these. What do you think of them, Darling? I had the crop custom made for you." The words sounded soft coming from his lips, but I caught the dangerous lilt that laced through them. There was a threat lingering between each syllable, and I needed to confront it. Badly.

"Please." was the only thing I could think to say. It held everything he needed to hear. It gave him my consent, and clued him in to just how much I was anticipating this.

His body detached from mine. I remained in my kneeling position, gaze glued to the crop and clamps. He appeared in my peripheral just as his hand fisted in my hair. He yanked my head back, making me gasp as the sting heated my skin. His darkening eyes peered down at me tauntingly. "Get up." he ordered in an icy voice.

I stood up on shaky legs, my hair still fisted in his hand. The grip kept tightening until it was pulled taut on my scalp. There was no room for me to move.

He ripped the clamps from my fingers and brought one to my nipple. He didn't clip it on my quivering flesh. Instead, he teased me with it, trailing it with the barest connection against my skin. My breath came out in stilted pants as my skin broke out in goosebumps. It was contradictory, because I felt as if my body was on fucking fire.

My hair was suddenly released and I glanced down just as he positioned the clamps over each nipple. He slid them on and tightened them until they were pulling painfully on my nipples.

I moaned loudly, my eyes falling closed as the agony exploded inside of me. "Oh, God. Oh, God." I whimpered, body twisting to get a reaction from the clamps. I moaned louder when they pulled more harshly. "Oh, yes."

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