Chapter Eight

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We stopped to sit and eat sandwiches at the mile and a half marker. I was sweating, but it wasn't bad enough to where I felt I might pass out. I did put my hair back in a ponytail, though.

"Shit!" I hissed at a sharp sting around my ankles. I lifted the hem of my pants and saw a swarm of ants on the tops of my shoe. I jumped up and frantically started swiping them away, cursing them and they're queen. "My skin is not food, you pests!" I shouted to the fuckers. "Ugh, I can't believe I forgot to put on bug spray!"

I heard the uncontrollable laughter coming from behind me and glared over in his general direction. "I hope they bite you next, asshole!"

"I'm not the one who sat next to an ant pile, you are!"

"Oh you bastard! Did you see it and not say anything?!" I shrieked as one bit my hand and wrinkled it between my fingers. Take that, bug.

"No, I'm not that cruel." But he was still laughing hysterically, and to me, that was considered an equivalent.

"You're laughing at me! That's pretty cruel."

"Well, you are quite funny, Darling. I mean come on, they're just ants."

I grabbed a tiny one and flung it at him, though I'm not exactly sure where it landed. Not on him, surely, because he was still laughing.

"Just ants, huh? Well they hurt all the same, and now I'm going to have little venom patches on my skin later. They're going to itch, and stop laughing at me!"

"I can't help it," he heaved. "You're being hysterical over a little pain when you love pain."

"This is a different pain!"

I finally had all the ants off of me, and my skin was slowly burning. Seeing my sandwich in a heap on the ground, I cursed some more. "Great, bitten by ants and sanwichless."

"Here, eat some of mine." In his fits, he hadn't finished eating. I snatched the last half of his sandwich and took a large bite, glaring at my own ruined sandwich that was now covered in ants.

"I hope you enjoy my sandwich, you little fuckers. I should spray you with bug spray and see how you like it."

Draven had managed to get his laughter under control, but at my little wish he died again. "You know they only bit you because you infringed on their territory, right? They're just like us. They were only doing what they thought was right to protect themselves from the giant that is you."

I gaped at him and took an even larger bite of his sandwich. He isn't getting it back, I decided pettily. Once I swallowed the bite, I responded with, "I'd like to see you get mauled by ants and see how you take it." I glared at him, then added, "And I'm no giant."

"To them you are, but no, you certainly aren't otherwise." His eyes ran over me hotly. My anger dissipated for the most part, but I was still mildly tiffed.

His words did make me think, though. Ants were a lot like us, in that they protected what was theirs, and worked for a living. You work to live and you live to work. Of course, it was on a more baser scale for ants, in that they simply provided food for their colony and queen, but it was the same concept all around. In fact, it was the same for most animals. They work to survive, albeit mostly for themselves, but still, isn't it all for ourselves?

Humans have society to live up to, so it's different for us than other species in that sense, though in a way society can be seen as our queen. We're subject to it and must obey to conformity or we're forever condemned and cast aside.

I shared my philosophical thoughts with Draven and he agreed with me. "That's an interesting way to look at things, Darling. I suppose that's true. Every organism has to work in order to survive. Though we all do them in different methods, there are parallels no matter how you look at it. I don't suppose that animals declare war on each other, though they do have natural enemies. Like the Mongoose and the Cobra. Very abstract thinking."

I listened to his take, nodding along in agreement, "I make thinking that way a habit of mine. If you're good, you may see it again."

We were walking again by this time and he smacked my ass for that little tease. "Oh, I'm sure I will. I happen to be very fond of your wit and intelligence."

"I think yours could use some work," I joked, making him growl.

He yanked me to him by the arm and bit my earlobe, making me yelp in first shock, then unmistakable pleasure. "Let's finish this trail," He whispered darkly in my ear. "That way I can drive you to a secluded area and make you come. Repeatedly."

My clit began to tingle with the thought of finally coming again.

Still, I had to say, "I thought you said I could drive next."

He growled and I laughed.

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