give you a child - telling family

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may 21, 2020

"There's so much to do," Taylor said.

She and Joe had spend the day basking in the afterglow of finding out they were going to be parents, but with the night came the thoughts of just how much work that would be. They were now sitting on the couch, Joe leaned against the side with his legs spread over the rest of the cushions and Taylor on his lap, leaned against him.

"I mean, we have to tell our families, get all of the clothes and furniture and diapers, go to the doctor, not to mention the album I'm writing and the re-recordings I'm set to put out next year," Taylor listed, getting more and more stressed as she went on. "And do all of this in a pandemic with no end in sight."

"It won't be perfect, but things will be alright, Tay," said Joe. "They always are."

Taylor sighed, relaxing her body somewhat. "Do you think we'll be able to tell people in person?" she asked.

Joe hesitated. "Probably not my family, because they're in the UK, but maybe yours, if we stay far away," he said.

Taylor groaned. "I wish we could tell people in person. It's so much better," she said.

"I know, love," said Joe, smiling sadly. "But this year, nothing seems to be easy. We'll figure it out, though."

"I hope so," Taylor sighed. "At least I have an excuse to hide from the public."

"Are you thinking you'll announce the pregnancy?" asked Joe.

Taylor shrugged. "If I do, it won't be for a long time. And only if I really feel like it," she answered.

"Good. That's how it should be," Joe responded. He then shifted his grasp on Taylor and she winced. "Are you alright?" he asked.

Taylor nodded. "Yeah. My boobs are just a little sore," she told him.

"Oh," said Joe. "Is that normal?" he asked after a moment.

"I think Gigi and Claire said it happened to them," Taylor replied.

"Hm," Joe said. He paused for a moment before he said, "Well, we'll just have to be extra careful then, won't we?"

He turned over, gently moving Taylor off of him and beginning to kiss her, a make out session that quickly progressed. Then, not breaking the kiss, he moved off of the couch, picking up Taylor as he did so.

"Joe!" Taylor shrieked, laughing a bit as she wrapped her legs around his body and went back to kissing him.

may 22, 2020

The next morning, Taylor had to call the doctor to make an appointment. For the most part, she was alright, but she had one big fear, one that was confirmed by the receptionist.

"I made an appointment," Taylor told Joe timidly as she walked into the living room.

"That's nice, love," Joe said, smiling supportively at his wife.

"There is one thing though..." Taylor said slowly. Joe raised his eyebrows, urging her to continue. "Due to Corona Virus restrictions... they're not allowing the father to come to appointments."

Joe was silent for a moment, taking in this information. "Okay..." he said slowly. "That's- that's okay. We'll get through this just like we've gotten through everything else." He stood up and walked to Taylor, hugging her.

Taylor felt guilt settle over her. She didn't know why she felt guilty, but she did. Suddenly, a bigger fear overcame her, and she pulled back from the hug and grabbed Joe's hands.

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