Part 6

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After five years, everything that was once familiar is now unrecognizable. The face I see in the mirror is a stranger.

Four Years Ago...

"Where is it? COME ON, WHERE IS IT?" Ivo asked. HE then turned to Oliver and asked, "Where is the Hosen."

Oliver tried to keep a straight face as he asked, "What?"

"The arrowhead. Every report said that it was with these bodies, you said you and your friends were here now, where is it?" When Oliver didn't answer, he turned to one of his men and said, "Make him tell us where his friends are." The man smiled, then picked Oliver up by his collar and threw him outside of the cave.

"Take us to them," the man said, but Oliver would rather die than betray his friends, so he said, "I don't know where they are."

The guy started to get angry, so he pulled out his gun and shoved it at Oliver's hand. "Tell me, or lose a hand."

Just when Oliver was prepared to take the bullet, two people walked up and the woman said, "Let us suggest another option." SHADO! Oliver thought in relief.

"You hand the kid over to us, and we won't kill you all," Slade threatened.

Ivo stepped out to see what all the commotion was about when he noticed the two unwelcomed visitors. "So, obviously you three took the hosen out of this cave," he turned to one of his men, "Lift him up. Now, I know that he doesn't have it, so one of you do. Give it to us and we'll discuss an exchange."

"We don't know what you're talking about," said Shado, "Give us Oliver, and we'll leave you alone to look for it."

Before anyone else could say anything, Slade had pointed his gun at one of the men who was pulling their gun out, and asked, "Does anyone else wanna be stupid?"

"Hey, Hey," Ivo shouted as Shado pointed her bow at him, "Cut him loose." He said to his man.

The man pulled out his knife and cut the cloth holding Oliver's hands together, apart. Oliver took that opportunity to punch the man in front of him in the face.

"COME ON MOVE," Oliver shouted as he grabbed Sara and pulled her away from the shooting.

"What are you doing?" she asked, but he didn't answer her as he started to run with the others.

"We have to keep going. They are following us," Oliver said to his group as the ran as fast as physically possible.

"We know," Shado said, as she pulled out the bomb she messed with to re-detonate, and dropped it behind them, blowing up any of Ivo's men that followed.

The Present.

Once Oliver finally convinced an upset Mei to put on her big, pink dress, he picked her up over his shoulder and carried her into the living room where his mom was. She held out her hand for her granddaughter and led her into the room to "introduce" her to television.

Before Oliver could follow though, the door opened behind him and a familiar voice said, "What did I tell ya? Yachts suck."

Oliver smiled as he turned around. He was barely able to get out the words, "Tommy Merlyn," before he was engulfed in a hug.

"I missed you, buddy."

"I missed you to man," Oliver replied. He wasn't sure if the man in front of him knew of the little girl who was sitting in the living room, because they tried to get on all news outlets before they said anything about her. "I have something to tell you."

Tommy laughed, "I have something to tell you, too. A lot of things. Let's catch-"

He was cut off by the sound of little feet running towards them, and a small voice that said, "Daddy, come on." She didn't notice Tommy, until she was right beside Oliver, and when she saw him, she immediately wrapped her arms around her father's leg nervously.

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