Chapter 3

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Hey guys, I know the earlier chapters are pretty close to canon, but I promise as the chapters go on it gets less and less so. Thanks for reading!

Oliver was awoken by an EMT that was standing on the boat, trying to see if Oliver was in good enough shape to stand. He immediately noticed the fact that his arms were not holding his daughter, so he started to panicky. The only times Oliver had awoken to find his daughter more than five feet in front of him were dangerous ones, and that's why Oliver always fell asleep with her curled up tightly in his arms. 

The EMT noticed that he was starting to panic, so he quickly said, "Don't worry sir, we have your daughter. She is with my friend who is just checking a few things over there," he said while pointing over to where an ambulance sat right by the dock with his daughter sitting in the back. She was wearing an adult-sized EMT shirt and drinking a juice box while one of the doctors playfully checked her legs and arms to see if she had any bad wounds. Oliver grimaced as he thought about all the broken bones and scars she had, heck five percent of her body was scar tissue. Oliver was scared that after a few minutes of checking her up, they would take her away to child services, and Oliver would be locked up for child abuse, though none of them were given to her by him. 

"Don't worry, Donna is the best one of us when it comes to kids. She always makes sure to have juice boxes and snacks, and she is the best at coming up with little mind games to help distract them from the pain. She has seven kids under twelve at home and she is a single mom, so trust me your daughter is in the best hands. Now, if you would let me look at you, I promise I could probably slip you a juice box too." Oliver laughed a quick stiff laugh, but his eyes were still locked on his daughter. He was so scared to look at the EMT, too scared to even blink, all he wanted to do was get over to his daughter and engulf her in a hug, and promise her there is nothing to be scared of anymore. 

They were both safe. Oliver couldn't take sitting there anymore so he got up, despite the horrible pain in his leg due to the fact he was sleeping on it for ten hours straight at the very least. He ran over to her, despite the pleas of the EMT to stop, and when he was finally next to her he engulfed her into a large hug. His panic went away as he felt her little arms wrap around him and her head leaning against his shoulder. 

"Your daughter is doing good sir, she has a lot of cuts and small bruises, I think her wrist may even be sprained, but other than that I think that she is doing well. Of course, I want to bring her back to the hospital with me, you too, but you both look to be doing well considering the fact that you've been on an island for the past five years. I am wearing a mask because I don't want to spread any diseases since your daughter probably hasn't built up an immunity only being around you. I am trying to get her to put on one as well, but she doesn't want to, could you try?" she asked while holding the small pink mask out to Oliver. 

Oliver laughed and said, "Do you have any blue ones?" 

The woman looked confused, so Oliver elaborated, "She hates the color light pink because it is too close to the color of a fish I threw up. It was apparently not one of the tastier fish. The blue reminds her of the sky, so it's her favorite color." 

The young girl nodded in agreement, so the woman smiled and put the pink one back in her bag, switching it out for the blue one and handing it to Oliver to put on her. 

"Now, you only have to wear this a little while, okay? When we get to the hospital and get our own room, then we can take it back off." Oliver lifted it slowly to make sure she was okay with putting it on, and when she nodded in agreement he smiled and slipped it over her mouth and nose, sliding the elastic back over her ears and then pinching at her nose to keep it secure. 

Though she was wearing the mask, Oliver could see her smiling from the way the tip of her nose and the space between her eyebrows shrove up. She let out a sweet laugh, and Oliver's heart lightened a little. They all four got in the ambulance together while Oliver sat on the side and his daughter laid next to him, holding his hand the entire ride. 


Oliver sat against the wall rusty metal wall of his cell as he pushed his sweat-filled bangs to the side and tried not to fall asleep. He was doing anything to keep him awake, including staring straight ahead and counting the number of times the water dripped from the ceiling to the floor, landing in a large disgusting puddle. 

He got to 473 when he saw someone walk up to his cell out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head slightly to see Sara standing there with a pair of dry pants that Oliver wanted to immediately grab out of her hands and slip on. Oliver had no idea when the last time he wore a different pair of pants was. 

Oliver glanced down at her swollen stomach, his heart aching with the thought of his child not getting the nutrients it needs to survive. Oliver was definitely confused as to how the child was still alive, but he wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth if that's what this was. There was a large chance, though, that this was more of a punishment than a gift. Oliver now not only had to get him off this island alive but now also Sara and their child that resided inside of her. 

"Sara, I-" 

"-Shh, don't say my name. if they find out we know each other, we're both dead. Here," she said while she handed him the pants, which he took graciously. 

"Is it," Oliver gulped, "Do you know if it's okay." 

Sara gently placed her hand on the side of her stomach and said solemnly, "I don't know. I mean, he or she moves around a lot, so that's a good sign, but other than that I have no clue. I mean, it's not exactly like we have an ultrasound machine on this island or anything." She joked, but with no humor in her voice. 

"I promise, I will do whatever it takes to get the three of us home. I have some friends on the outside of this place that can help us," Oliver whispered so only she could hear. 

"I thought you said they were dead," Sara whispered back. 

"They're not that easy to kill," Oliver responded through gritted teeth. 

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