Chapter 16 : Over The Anduin River

Start from the beginning

''And what gift would a dwarf ask of the elves ?''

''Nothing. Except to look upon the lady of the Galadhrim one last time, for she is more fair than all the jewels beneath this earth... ''

Galadriel laughed at the dwarf's answer, and the said turned back grumbling.

While the fellowship were leaving the elves to reach the boats given, Gimli came back to the lady of light. He asked her something, but Tauriel did not hear him. The dwarf was standing in front of Galadriel, his cheeks a little bit red, the head down. Smiling slowly, she followed Legolas to the boats.

Lorien elves began to pack food into the boats. The blond elf, helping them with Tauriel, noticed that it was lembas.

'' One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man''he told Merry and Pippin, nibbling on it.

Both of the hobbits were quietly sitting near the boats, waiting for the departure. Pippin listened to Legolas, much too serious to be honest. Smiling to them, the prince turned back to take the other bags. Merry asked his cousin, curious.

'' How many did you eat ?''

''Four'' answered Pippin, looking sick.

Merry, surprised, looked up at Tauriel, next to them. She smiled to him, amused. Frodo arrived few minutes later from a discussion with Galadriel, a little thing shining in his hands. Aragorn finally came too. He put at his belt a dagger given by Celeborn.

Sam and Frodo got into a first boat with Aragorn. The blond hobbit did not seem to be comfortable on the water, and the boat was dangerously shaking. Legolas got into another one with Gimli, helping the dwarf to get in. Merry went with Borimir, and Tauriel took Pippin with her, who seemed to appreciate her. She took her paddle and made the boat slowly move into the water, Pippin sitting quietly in front of her. The other swiftly followed and they began their journey on the river. The boats of Boromir and Aragorn were the first ones, and then came Tauriel with Pippin and Legolas with the dwarf. They were all still dreaming of the lady of light. Gimli had been the first to talk.

'' I have taken my worst wound at this parting having looked my last upon that which is fairest ''he announced.

Tauriel looked at the dwarf, who seemed tobe dreamin, sitting in front of Legolas in the boat next to hers. She met Legolas' gaze, smiling slowly. The dwarf continued to talk, eyes fixed right in front of him. He seemed to be far away from there, in another world.

'' Henceforth I will call nothing fair unless it be her gift to me... ''

'' What was her gift ? ''asked Legolas, still smiling.

''I asked her for one hair from her golden head. She gave me three '', answered the dwarf, touched.

Legolas turned to the red-hair elf, smiling, raising his eyebrows. She smiled back at him. The both knew the meaning of this present. One hair of the lady of light will symbolize friendship and solidarity between the elves and the dwarves. The number three had a particulate meaning too, in the dwarves' language. Gimli had certainly developed strong feelings for Galadriel.

Both elves continued to paddle, and they quickly arrived on the shining water of the Anduin. Pippin and Gimli were still talking, the hobbit had swiftly found his happiness with the dwarf, who got his humour back.

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